The Night of the Comet

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September 9, 2010

The chocolate brown eyes of Louise Gilbert fluttered open slowly as beams of light slipped through the crack between her bedroom curtains. Her eyes closed once again as her arms rose above her head in an attempt to stretch her body out before she climbed out of bed and straight to her closet. She flicked through the variety of hangers are she tried to find an outfit.

Eventually, she settled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a plain long sleeve deep purple top. She wore her hair in her usual straight middle part style with minimal makeup. Giving herself a one last look over in her full length mirror, she pulled her bag over a shoulder. Her eyes travelled around her room, making sure she hasn't forgotten anything. The brunette closed the door behind her as she walked out into the hallway where her aunt stood in front of a mirror that hung on the wall.

"Oh, do look adult?" Jenna asked her, stopping her in her tracks. "As in respectfully parental?" Jenna questioned, looking down at her, fitted, navy blue dress that went down to her knees. The brunette arched a brow as she examined aunt up and down before responding.

"Respectful, yes." Louise smiled, nodding. She scrunched her nose up as she added. "Uh, parental? Hmmm, you'll always be cool aunt Jenna."

"You're no help, Lou." Jenna grumbled and Louise giggled a little. Just then the eldest Gilbert existed her room and was asked the same question as her sister. Elena pursed her lips as she thought for a moment, tilting her head as she looked at her aunt just as Louise did only moments ago.

"Depends on where you're going." Elena finally responded.

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference." Jenna said before turning her attention back to the mirror. "Hair up or down?" The older woman pulled her dirty blonde hair up into an elegant looking bun.

"Sexy stewardess." Elena joked at the hair being held up and when Jenna let it flow down, she added. "Boozy housewife."

"Up it is." Jenna said as she pulled her back up in the same bun as before. "You're feisty today." she remarked.

"I feel good, which is rare." she replied. "So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine, and all that stuff." She took a little peak into Jeremy's room but he wasn't there. "Where is Jeremy?" Elena asked, moving to stand behind her aunt and meeting her eyes in the mirror.

"He left early." Jenna told them. "Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." Louise and Elena both exchanged a look before returning their gaze back to their aunt. "There is no wood shop, is there?"

They shook their heads and replied at the same time. "No."

"Dammit Jeremy!" Jenna muttered under her breath. "Where the hell is he then?"

"I'm sure he's fine." Elena tried to assure her aunt.

"He won't be when I get my hands on him." Jenna scowled as she made her way back to her room, her voice fading as she grumbled to herself. The Gilbert sisters were now left in the hall as they exchanged looks with one another.

"So-" Louise nudged her shoulder with Elena's as she linked her arm with hers and pulled her towards the stairs, a shit-eating grin on her face. "Did you have sex with hot-y from history yet?"

"I don't know if you know this but it turns out he does have a name. It's Stefan. We can stop calling him hot-y from history." Sarcasm rolled off her tongue and a light nose scrunch was given, lips turning up into a smile only her sister could drag from her.

"But nicknames are so fun." Like their own secret code in public.

"But, no. Not yet at least; I don't know, I feel like he's holding back or something."

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