Godzilla Earth evolves into What if Battles

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<Cue: Earth  by Lil' Dicky>

Toomi: It is a time of apocalypse. Monsters rose all across the world and began raging terror across the world.

Megumi: It all began with Kamacuras in Manhattan. Then Dogoras in London. Hedorah, Anguirus and Rodan in China. Australia completely wiped out by Daghara, you know the rest.

Sachi: But none of these monsters compared to the King of the Monsters himself. Godzilla.


Megumi: Yikes! That's probably the most loudest roar I have ever heard!

Toomi: As Godzilla and the monsters went around terrorizing the planet, Earth was soon allied with the religious Exifs and the technological Bilusaludo in the battle against Godzilla.

Megumi: But after so many attempts, even one building Mechagodzilla, Godzilla tore through everything the three species threw at him, resulting in him chasing the last of humanity out of their own planet.

Sachi: As for the ones who remained, the humans and Bilusaludo built a cyborg out of a species of space dinosaur, dubbing the creature, Gigan.

Megumi: Wait! Gigan? As in the cyborg who made Godzilla bleed?

Toomi: Yes. Anyway, Gigan certainly did put up a really good fight, defeating Godzilla in several encounters but ends up getting damaged after every battle, becoming more machine and Kaiju.

Sachi: And right after Godzilla destroyed Gigan, Mothra and her people began getting the humans to live with them, living peacefully together for years to come.

Toomi: But 2000 years has passed since the departure of mankind and years later, a young Captain going by the name Haruo Sakaki began suggesting plans to go back to Earth, believing that Godzilla is not invincible and there is a way to really kill him.

Megumi: And when they made it to Earth, the humans used most of the weapons they had and miraculously, they destroyed Godzilla. Or so they thought.

Sachi: Sad to say, the humans only succeeded in killing Godzilla Filius, which is basically the son of Godzilla and yes, that is literally the anime version of Minilla and Godzilla Jr.

Toomi: But Haruo and his team survived and with the help from the Houtua, the humans and Bilusaludo began making their way to Mount Fuji where the old base used to build Mechagodzilla is located.

Megumi: But as it turns out, while Godzilla destroyed most of Mechagodzilla's body, it's head and AI survived and with the nanometal, it began evolving, reshaping itself to replicate the very base and technology used to create it. 

Toomi: Thus transforming into Mechagodzilla City

Sachi: With the nanometal technology in their hands, the humans tried another go at Godzilla and they succeeded in trapping Godzilla in a pool of lava.

Toomi: But torn between killing Godzilla and retaining his humanity, Haruo missed his kill, causing Godzilla to not only break free from his prison but also destroying Mechagodzilla city

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