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As Mina got up squealing in delight for her winning another game, Jihyo groaned so loudly that she bet that even her parents had been able to hear her from the living room.

However, the only thing she could do was blame herself for suggesting to play Mario Kart in the first place, knowing damn well Mina was too good at it while she, on the other hand, was a total mess.

Even when Mina asked her if she was sure she wanted to play it, Jihyo had been so focused on showing her she could be a worthy competitor that at the end it was her pride talking for her and accepting the challenge.

Now, as Mina celebrated her fifth victory and Jihyo was left doubting all her life choices, she realised that, perhaps, next time she should be more careful when it comes to Mina and games.

Even then, though, Jihyo didn't mind seeing her win. The sight of a grinning Mina was always a pleasure for her eyes; something she intended to treasure in her mind as long as she could.

What slightly irked her was having to listen to Mina teasing her the whole afternoon until she eventually got tired.

The thing is that Jihyo was glad Mina felt so comfortable around her that she could tease her without overthinking the whole thing too much; still, the problem was the way Jihyo would get so flustered every time she did it, basically giving her crush on her away.

Lately, Jihyo had been wondering whether Mina had caught up on it or not. After all, if you were to ask any of their friends, they would say that it was pretty evident that Jihyo liked her as more than a friend.

So, Jihyo had been trying to understand if the girl was just too oblivious or if she knew about it but decided against speaking of it so that she wouldn't reject her and break her heart in two.

Honestly, Jihyo hoped that Mina had no idea she had feelings for her. That way, everything would be easier and less awkward.

"Earth to Jihyo, don't go all daydreaming on me again please."

Mina's amused words were enough to bring Jihyo back to reality while, once again, she felt her cheeks get warmer and warmer.

She found herself staring right into Mina's eyes, and she couldn't stop herself from looking into them for a bit too much.

"I'm sorry," Jihyo mumbled faintly, a hand grazing the back of her neck. "I promise I'll stop from now on."

Although Jihyo tried her best to look serious, Mina ended up giggling. Did she say something funny to her?

Upon seeing Jihyo's lost expression, Mina swiftly sat next to her on the bed and turned her way. She brought up a hand to Jihyo's face to caress her furrowed eyebrows; Jihyo couldn't help but freeze at Mina's soft touch.

"You shouldn't make such a promise, you know? There's nothing wrong in getting caught up a bit too much in your thoughts."

Her voice was so soothing that Jihyo felt like she was falling in love all over again and there was no way she was ever going to stop. Mina's eyes softened, and she smiled tenderly at her, making Jihyo's heartbeat quicken all of a sudden.

"But one day, you have to tell me what it is that worries you so much. I don't like seeing you upset about something I don't know and can't do anything to help you with."

At that point, Jihyo wanted to shout that the reason why she always looked so troubled was that she was terrified of losing her because of the way she felt for her. Something Jihyo could not accept.

If she were to lose Mina, she would feel lost, as if a part of herself was missing.

Jihyo didn't want to feel like that.

hold me tight tonight, please ∘ mihyo Where stories live. Discover now