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When the author of the story on Wattpad you're reading replies to your comment:


A/N Okay, this news may make you a little uncomfortable.

So, I recently discovered a very smutty work and then I was like; Hey, why don't I write my own?!

I'm gonna upload them on another account, just in case my account gets deleted because of "explicit content" or some shit.

So, yeah. The username is zanzanwilky (I know, so creative) with a profile pic of a toy baby wolf/husky.

You probably shouldn't read them though. I posted one on a website called Archive of Our Own and it was rly messed up HAHA! But I think my smut are just as good as my normal stories so I'mma write them anyway.

Plz don't read the ones on Archive of Our Own!

K bai guys love ya!

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