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Me: *sighs* No Mom, that is a website. THIS is an app. No, no- *facepalms* that is the home screen. 



Sorry if I took a long time to update, but I can't update from my phone because it has the worst problem known to phonekind. 

So, if I want to type something (other than my password), it freezes if it's the first character. The only letters that work are Q and K. So, if I wanted to type I am a fangirl, then it would be something like Qi qam qa qfangirl. Yes, my phone is fucking stupid. 

I am not currently in my home city now (I brought my laptop especially so that I could talk to you guys), so I'mma get it fixed in around five days. Yes, I KNOW. Ugh, just bear with me, okay? 75% of my friends on Facebook are confused as fuck and so are some of the friends that I text. 

I AM SO SORRY. Also, I had this idea. Like, you know how some Wattpadians call their fan-army *Fluffy Lollipops* or some shit? Well, maybe I could name my fan-army, which consists of three to four peeps, something?

I tried asking my sister, and it went something like this:

Me: Hey, *sister's name* I have these people on Wattpad and I need a name for them.

Sister: What is Wattpad?

Me: *bitchslaps* UGH. Anyway, it's like my little fans that like one or two of my stories. Like some people's are called "Happy Llamas" or something. What should my fans be called?

Sister: Diarreah. 

So, yeah, not asking her anymore questions. Anyway, be happy, stay strong *insert more sentimental and meaningful stuff*. 

Also, I noticed that some of my other stories are getting a little (notice I said little) popular with y'all, so I need some suggestions of which ones to continue mainly. THANKS FOR STAYING WITH ME EVEN THROUGH ALL MY STUPID RANTS!!!

Also (You guys: JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!) I have a few friends on Wattpad who need some mentions. One is Rachy567, who is one of my best friends who doesn't go to my school and has some great fanfics. One of my favourite stories of hers is called A Winter Story, which is an original and has NOTHING to do with Frozen (so far), so read it!

The second person is Olivia_Kim, who I recently discovered had Wattpad and is now getting positive comments on her story Vampire Royalty. Also, she has a story called All That Shit Teenagers Do and Think. I haven't read it yet, but I hope to soon!

The last is someone I barely know and I think is a great person, and she is DancingFangirl67. CHECK HER OUT. NOW. OR ELSE. 

kk bai bai

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