Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Zayn's POV*

It happened all in slow motion. Louis scared her so she jumped but that made her loose her balance so she fell. Her head hit a branch leaving a gash on her forehead. Liam and I sprinted towards her. Niall was already there.

" Liam. Liam help me. Don't let him hurt me!" Chelsea said trying to get to him.

" Hey Chelsea calm down. Li is right here. You're in Niall's arms. Calm down. We're gonna get you to the hospital just to make sure you're ok and nothin is broken ok?" I told her. Her face was starting to lose even more color and her eyes were starting to flutter close.

" Hey Chelsea you have to stay awake for us ok. Come on stay awake and talk with Niall and Liam. HARRY!!! Call the ambulance. She's got a nasty cut we need to get taken care of fast. Louis its not your fault go stay with the girls. You know what? Take them home. I'll come and get you guys after we get to the hospital. Get her a bag together." I said going into Liam's mode as daddy direction but he's making sure Chelsea stays awake.

"Lauren I love you. Go with Lou and be good. I'll see you soon." I told her kissing her forehead. She nodded and grabbed Haileys arm. She wouldn't take her eyes off of her sister.

" Hailey go. I'll call Louis when we get there and he'll bring you guys. But right now I need you to go get her some clothes to wear cuz she sure as hell won't want to wear the hospital ones." She didn't even acknowledge me and just went to the car. Poor girl.

*Chelsea's POV*

My vision was getting fuzzy around the edges but I knew that I needed to stay awake.

" Ni I love you. I'm so tired Liam can I please go to sleep?" I asked him as pain shot up my left ankle. I tried not to show the wince but Zayn saw it plain as day.

" No sweetheart. You can't. Does something else hurt? Come on we need to tell Harry while he's on the phone with the medics. They are on their way." He told me with tears in his eyes. Niall was already crying but he was trying to stop but he couldn't. How did I get so lucky?

"My left ankle. What happened? How did I fall?"

" Louis scared you. He feels really bad but please don't blame him. He already thinks you hate him." Niall said through his tears.

"Oh. Where is he? I want to tell him I don't hate him and not too beat himself up. Zayn I can't stay awake any longer. It's getting really fuzzy." I told him while shutting my eyes."

*Liam's POV*

"Oh. Where is he? I want to tell him I don't hate him and not too beat himself up. Zayn I can't stay awake any longer. It's getting really fuzzy." those were the last words she said before she slipped into unconsciousness. I broke. Tears rolled down my face.

" They are coming up the street now. I'm gonna go get them." Harry said running past us.

"Zayn I can't lose her. She's my baby sister. I've already lost her once. I can't lose her forever."

" We won't lose her Liam. She's strong. She'll pull through. She always has." Niall said stroking her hair.

" What happened?" Medic number 1 said running up with a first aid kit.

" She fell from that branch and hit her head on the way down. Her ankle was injured too." Zayn told him.

" Okay. Well that's a nasty cut. We can get that cleaned and rapped now but it's going to need stitches when she gets to the hospital. As for her ankle it looks pretty bad as well. She may even need surgery. Let's get her on the gurney. Ready? 1..2..3.. Lift."

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