Chapter 4 Dr. Blaire

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The room smelled of Clorox wipes and cologne. Drawn across the middle of the room was a white curtain with the edges of machines and tubes peeking out from behind it. A tall man in a white doctors coat with a small goatee stepped out from behind the curtain.

"Hello I'm Dr. Blaire," the man started.

"I'm Kim, and this is Jenna my stepdaughter," Kim replied.

Dr. Blaire smiled and shook our hands.
"The condition isn't good, he has a major concussion, bruised and cracked ribs, lots of internal bleeding and when it happened his skull cracked and we are trying to stop bleeding," Dr. Blaire told Kim.

"Wait, wait. What is happening?" I interrupted as I tried to understand what was going on. Kim turned to me and sighed.

"This afternoon when your dad was driving to the grocery his car got hit by another car. The driver of the other car brought him in to the emergency room. As you heard his condition is not good and well..... he may not survive," she finished with a sob.

"Dad might die," I choked out.

Kim nodded tearfully. Then she walked over to me and folded me into a hug. I let my body go limp against hers as my tears ran onto her shoulder staining her shirt. She hugged me even tighter and whispered into my ear, "It's gonna be alright, but you should go see him,"
I nodded and Dr. Blaire opened the curtain and led us over to the hospital bed.

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