Author's Note

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A wyvern amongst Dragons

A prophecy, a savior, a dragon and a war that's been raging for years with no end in sight. The inhabitants of Cefril all look towards the North where the great battle is taking place. A golden dragon and its rider are the prophesized ones to free the country and their battle is just beginning. But while everyone looks to the North, they forget about the other side of the country.

Every six months the biggest city in the province holds a bonding ceremony. Every six months, young boys and girls from all around come to the city to find their dragon soulmate. When the call for the next ceremony comes, Aleron, a Wyvern decides to join the dragons as he feels an unexplained pull to the city. With a burning desire to join the fight in the North and prove himself worthy he hopes to find his human soulmate with the same desire.

Aleron is a Wyvern amongst Dragons. A lesser species only used as messengers but Aleron has dreams of fighting beside the famed Golden dragon. Dreams that get crushed the moment he gets rejected by his fated rider.
Cover image by ConfusedLittleKitty  and
Give him some love because that wyvern image is absolutely amazing!

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About the story

This story is my new side project next to Raging Fire. You're probably thinking... Raging Fire? She has no book called like that! That's correct. That book is still being written and I want to have a couple of chapters pre-written before I start publishing that one. That doesn't mean I'm not writing it! 

So about this new story. I will write this story on the fly. Sometimes I don't feel like writing Raging Fire so I revert to this one and Vica Versa. This will also mean this book won't have scheduled or regular updates. It also means these chapters you see here are completely unedited and the story is a very rough first draft. 

That doesn't mean I don't take this story seriously! I actually do! This idea for this story has been in my head for a while now. I always wanted to do a dragon story but I wanted to stay clear of many of the cliche stories about dragon riders. So this is my attempt at writing a fantasy dragon story while (trying) to avoid a lot of cliches. There are a lot I can't avoid though and the ones I'm aware off, I'll try to give my own spin to them to make them my own.


Copyright stuff. Boring but important. This story is my own and only published here on WattPad. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know because that means someone stole it!
The characters, storyline etc etc is all my own, created in my own mind.

So.. that's it! Enjoy the story!

A Wyvern amongst Dragons - on temporary hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now