Chapter 2

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After a short car ride, Bakugo arrived at his apartment building. Bakugo had lived alone in an apartment that his parents paid for because they were always overseas for work, and they felt it wasn't fair to have him take care of an entire house by himself. With struggle, Bakugo dragged Uraraka all the way upstairs to his complex, with the help of the elevator of course. When he finally got inside, the blonde immediately took her to his bedroom that he had prepared for the girl in advance. Bakugo layed her on the bed with struggle and handcuffed her thick wrists to the headboard and tied her ankles with rope to the bed posts. She still wasn't awake, but Bakugo wasn't complaining. He headed to his kitchen to prepare some things while waiting for her to come to.

About half an hour later, Bakugo wheeled a cart into his room that had gallons of containers filled with a strange looking, cream like substance. The blonde had also brought in a funnel that had a long tube connected to it. He was quite excited to see an awake Uraraka. "Looks who's awake. How was your nap, cutie?" He asked with a mischievous smirk as he sat on the bed next to her. Uraraka struggled against the restraints "Bakugo! L-let me go! P-please!" She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do that." He said with a wink. "Now let's get this started, shall we?" Bakugo took the tube and forced it into Urarakas mouth as her plump lips pushed out around the clear tube. "Now you're going to have to stay calm or you're going to choke and make a mess, m'kay?." He said as he slid the tube further into her mouth and down her throat, not too deep though.

 Bakugo grabbed the one of the containers that held the strange substance. He lifted it, getting ready to pour it down the funnel. He froze for a moment to take a good look at Uraraka; her big doe eyes looked up in horror, obviously distressed. That made Bakugo smirk, and made him feel good, more than it should. Finally he poured the thick shake down the funnel and watched as it traveled down the tube into Urarakas mouth, who had no choice but to swallow.

"God, I just can't wait for you to fatten up. I want to see your belly expand, your boobs swell up and your thighs to thicken, maybe even see you become so big that you rip out of your clothes. Damn... just thinking about that makes me so fucking hard." He groaned as he bit his lip. He kept pouring and watched Urarakas belly swell in amazement. The girl struggled, wiggling her arms and feet. She moaned and groaned softly as the sweet shake slide down her throat. Bakugo smacked her belly with his free hand and watched as the fat rippled. "I'm going to fatten you up so much and make you so damn huge, just you fucking pig. " He smirked. Uraraka made some inaudible sounds and struggled around some more.

Uraraka moaned loudly as her gut ripped through two buttons on her uniform. Her boobs swelled, causing the seams on her shirt to start ripping. "F-fuck... that was so fucking hot." Bakugo mumbled, gritting his teeth. "Such a good pig, keep drinking. I wanna see more of your skin."

Bakugo started pouring the thick shake like substance faster, causing Uraraka to choke a little at first. But she quickly adjusted to the pace. At some point she had stopped struggling and let everything happen.
Although she would never admit it, she was slightly turned on, but didn't want to give Bakugo the satisfaction of her obedience. The way his muscular body towered over her was so hot and his large calloused hands playing with her fat was starting to get to her- no! She couldn't give in, she didn't want to... No matter how attractive she thought the blonde was, he was still doing inhumane and illegal things to her.

An hour had passed and Bakugo had fed her every last drop. Urarakas belly had fattened up a lot and had popped a few more button. It was so heavy and jiggle, sitting on top of her lap.. Her thighs thickened up nicely as well, causing mutliple tears in her tights. The brunettes arms sagged low, and her boobs were suffocating in her uniform.

"God you're such a fatty." Bakugo teased as he took the tube out of the brunettes mouth. He jiggled her large gut and groped her plump breats as he asked her "Doesn't this feel good, hm?."

"N-no! Bakugo, let me go!" Uraraka cough harshly after the tube was finally gone from her throat. Although she had no energy and felt sluggish, she tried to yell, "Stop doing this to me...!"

"Doing what? Feeding you? Too bad, I'm not stopping." He chuckled sadisticly. "I'm going to fatten you up everyday, like the greedy pig you are. You're only purpose is to eat and eat, and get bigger and fatter. You're new purpose is to become my big fat piggy." His eyes turned dark as he smirked, giving Urarakas gut a nice slap.

"I'm going to go now okay? You take a good nap and let that full belly of yours digest." He sat up and left the room without another word, wheeling the cart out with him.

"No! No! Come back and let me go! Please!" Uraraka didn't get any response. She huffed in defeat, she felt so heavy all over. Her belly sloshed around, making some odd noises. The girl burped a few times here and there, but they were nothing  special. Finally, the tiredness took over her as her eyes slowly closed.

After bakugo cleaned up, he ran to the bathroom. He couldn't take it anymore, the entire time he was in there with his pig, the blonde had a painful erection. He unzipped his pants and began to pump his manhood. It didn't take time long before he released all over with a long, loud moan, his body finally relaxing after the high. It felt absolutely amazing, it was the best orgasm he's ever had.

Oh how he couldn't wait for tomorrow to feed his piggy again.

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