Morning chaos

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Draco POV
*alarm sounds* today is the first day of school
A classic Monday.i turn of my alarm and get up from bed.the birds chirp and..."SMOKE" I shouted,I looked over to my bedside my alarm was not ready was the fire alarm.i rushes down only to see gold in a black apron.i facepalmed"really"I said

Gold POV
I woke up at 5 am I was so hungry so I decided to make pancakes.funneh said to not go to the stove but I didn't listen,I tiptoed downstairs and got my ingredients.i made the batter and started frying the pancakes.i got distracted while watching makeup tutorials them I heard the alarm.i rushed to the stove to flip my pancake and BOOM! It exploded on me I survived somehow my apron was dirty and I was still hungry,"what a fail" I said

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