Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @Nightmare_Queen because she convinced me to write more of this story. Thank You!

Layla was sitting in a ball, with her hands wrapped tightly around her knees. She was shaking with sobs as Ian slowly approached her. She made no indication that she knew he was in front of her. Ian bent down to her level immediately feeling guiltily that he thought she ran away, when all along she was in the pack house the entire time. He went to put his arms around her when suddenly she jerked away.

Ian felt hurt that his mate rejected his attempt to comfort her.

"No! Don't you dare put your filthy hands on me you bastard! This is your entire fault; if it wasn't for you they would still be alive!" Layla screamed at him furry evident in her eyes, and if looks could kill, then Ian would have been toast.

Her comment hurt, Ian has only ever seen Layla this angry only once before and that was when it finally hit him.

This day one year ago was the day that asswhole Alpha Wes had killed Layla's parents. He still remembered the tearing and his pitiful screams as he slowly and painfully killed him. Seeing his mate like this made him want to bring him back to life just so he could tear him up again and again.

Ian still couldn't believe that he recorded the event and sent it to Layla to see. The last thing she needed was to witness the cruel and sick murder of her parents. After realizing that Layla got the CD Ian had watched it and then broke it into a million pieces in fury with his laptop, as well as other furniture in the room.

It was not in his best interest to see his mate so brutally and horrifically scared for the rest of her life, having to witness her parent's death over and over again in her nightmares. He had tortured them to the point that they were soaked in their blood and when they finally stopped screaming, he snapped their necks. He had even gone so far as to rape her mother over and over again and let his pack have a turn. He made Layla's father watch as he cried, because he was helpless to help her.

He already felt guilty because it was his fault that her parents were sacrificed. But if he had to do it again he wouldn't change a thing. He would not have traded his precious mate for her parents, no matter how selfish that sounded, if it was his parents he would be more than willing to give up his life for them.

Layla sniffed, "They were all I had and now I am all alone. I don't have any family left. All my flesh and blood is gone."

"Layla I'm sorry, I didn't think he would go that far," Ian said softly trying to console her. She pushed away his approaching hands.

"Well Ian he did! And I told you he would; did you forget what he did to me?! He's a monster I knew he would have killed them without a seconds thought! You never listen to me, why do you even want me; I don't want to be some doll that just looks pretty by your side. I have my own opinions and my own life, I don't need this!"

She was so angry, that she looked like she was about to shift. Ian was shocked at what she said; he didn't expect to bring their relationship into this. But even that didn't stop his fists from balling into his fists and punching a hole into the wall. He still remembers everything she told him that he did to her. It angered him to think about it. Alpha Wes treated her like a sex -toy and beat her every time she fought him off. This wasn't something he wanted displayed in front of his pack members.

"Leave now!"

"Yes Alpha," they all said and made their way out of the pack cellar. They shut the doors to give us privacy.

Ian stomped up to Layla and not so gracefully pulled her up to here feet and slammed her into the wall. He shoved his face in her neck and inhaled her scent. Layla was scared and starred at Ian in shock; this scenario reminded her of the many times of being with Alpha Wes.

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