Chapter 1

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Laughter in the Casper's home never seemed to die down, even during the darkest hours The Sun shone it glorious rays into Dakota's room, but she never woke up. Snuggled comfortably under her blankets, she curled herself even more and buried herself deeper into the mattress.

"Rise and shine, princess," her brother barged into the room. She groaned at his loud voice and reached out to find the closest pillow to her. Her hand wandered around aimlessly on her mattress until she finally found her weapon. Without a glance, she threw it towards the source of the annoying sound.

"Shit, when you said she could do that in her sleep, you actually meant it," her friend's voice came. Dakota huffed in exasperation, Great more people.

"Why would I lie about that?" She took another pillow and threw it at him, again. "Okay, okay, cut that out."

"No," her voice sounded from under the pile of blankets, "I'm very comfortable in here."

"Cannonball!" Kai's voice boomed. The next thing before she knew it, something heavy was on top of her. "It is comfortable here, Dakota."

"Get off me," she pushed him with all her might, still half asleep. He rolled off her and off the bed, his landing muffled to her. "Ow!"
"That's what you get big bro," she chuckled at her brother, who was curled up on the floor in pain. A chorus of laughter soon joined in seeing their friend on the floor.

Kai groaned sitting up, laying his head on Dakota's bed.
"Get off," She kicked her blankets away and onto him before she groggily stretched and walked into her bathroom to get ready.

The serenity of being in her bathroom was the best part of the day. She stepped into the tub, filled with warm water, and sat there. Warmth spread throughout her body and with every minute, she never felt more relaxed. Closing her eyes, the memory of her in the room with Xanth flashed. His body laying lifeless in front of her as she ran for her life. Him trying to kill her. Kill her.

It's all part of the job, she thought to herself. Once again, she felt the familiar tingle of her powers. She jolted awake and scrambled out only for the golden halo to fade once again.



Settling down into her seat, she hungrily gulfed down the golden brown pancakes that laid out in front of her. The irresistible urge to take more only fed her growing hunger as she reached out only to get her hand smacked away by the cook.

"3 each. Don't forget I need to eat too, Kota," he laughed ruffling her wavy hair before taking the last of the mouth-watering pancakes.

"Come on, leave her be," Jay said, pushing his last piece towards Dakota. She raised an eyebrow at his offer.

"What do you want?" She questioned. He mocked an offended look, placing a hand onto his chest.
"Why would you think so low of me, D? I only want to my friend eat more of her favourite pancakes."

"Definitely up to something," Kenzo said, slowly eating his pancakes in front of Dakota. Slowly agitating her. A low growl erupted from her as she looked away from the cook.

"Enough, can we eat in peace for once?" Koa's voice boomed from the head of the table.
"No," Aiko said smirking, "You got yourself into this."

"And what is 'this'?" Kai asked, cleaning this mouth with a napkin.
"Your functional-dysfunctional family."
"It has a nice ring to it," Dakota agreed.
An exasperated sigh sounded from Koa as the rest burst into fits of laughter. Their laughter was cut short when a knock sounded from their front door.

"Was anyone expecting someone?" Kao asked, eyeing the front door.
The group shook their heads as he reached for the pistol underneath the table. Aiko grabbed her katana and hid her balisong beneath her sleeve. Dakota grabbed her bow and arrow before sprinting up the steps towards the top, holding her position, bow drawn as she aimed towards the door.

Kai held his crossbow steady, waiting patiently- the momentary joy no longer evident as he held a stern look. Jay grabbed his hook swords and hid behind a large divider, Kenzo grabbed his throwing knives and stood guard behind the door. Kao let out a soft, short whistle- signaling the rest to hold their positions. The door swung open, stopping right before it hit the cook and weaponmaster.

"Mr Casper, my name is Xanth and I believe Dakota Bishop lives here with you," The man smiled politely, blue eyes scanning the room.

Dakota's breath hitched in her throat as her heart began to race. She forgot how to breathe, her palms began to feel sticky and wet but her grip on her bow and nocked arrow tensed. Her stance did not waver, but her mind kept flowing with words that weren't hers. With all her might, she blocked it out, violet eyes piercing the supposedly dead man.

"I'm sorry but she does not live here and I do not know anyone with that name. Now, please escort yourself out of my property or face the consequences," Kao firmly said, eyes narrowed but smiled at the stranger.

"You see Mr Casper, I do not tolerate liars, and it seems you are one of them. Are you sure you don't know this young girl? You know, long brown hair, violet eyes? About this tall," he held his hands up to his shoulders.

"What part of 'I do not know her' did you not get? Now, are you done?" Kao raised an eyebrow.
"I will be, may I come in?"
"If you don't have the girl you might as well be letting me in," Xanth asked, a devious smile growing. The small sound of a gun echoed throughout the house, setting the team on edge.

Dakota watched with a hardened look, the head of the gun pointed towards their team leader's chest.
"I'm going to count to 3 and you're going to be let me in before I finish my countdown, understand?"

Kao only gave a small nod and clasped both hands behind his back, legs parting a little so he could get into his defensive position quicker.


The team gripped onto their weapons harder. Kai knelt, keeping his crossbow at eye level. His target clear. Dakota pulled a little further.


Kenzo let out a shaky breath, unheard to the man behind the door. He took out another throwing knife in his other hand, twirling the handle a little. Jay and Aiko stood still like statues, blade and swords at the ready.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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