Chapter zero point eight: hurt

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"You know me better than I know myself."


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"HE CAN GO TO HELL!" JAY WAS FURIOUS. How could this happen? How did this happen? Jay looked down at the small body that was next to him. Carlos was hurt,one of the lost boys.

Carlos has just been walking,just separating from Hook as he needed to use the bathroom. But one of the lost boys were angry and hyped. So,he fought the first person he was. Which had ended up being Carlos. Who had not expected the boy.

Jay glared at Hook,angry. He blamed him. Why would he leave Carlos alone? The boy could hardly spend one second in the real world without getting lost in his head.

But,it's wasn't the first time one of them got  hurt.

Harry Hook was the one to normally win fights. But he didn't start this one. And it was with one of the older boys. He was simply walking along,alone. When the boy had attacked him,saying it was fun. He had sliced Harry's arm before he even knew he was in a fight. The gash being long,when the boy had almost stabbed Harry,but only made a long cut. That's when Harry had came to his scenes and fought the boy.

Uma always started fights,and she ended them. But this one was different. She wasn't letting herself think straight. She was just so pissed. And fought the wrong person. The one who was oldest and have been on the island the longest. Same person Harry had fought,Felix. The boy didn't seem to care who he was fighting,even is the person was younger or the opposite gender. He fought them until they gave up. And that's what Uma did after receiving a stab in the arm,which he continued to drag down her arm.

Mal only fight when necessary,or what she deemed as necessary. So.when she heard one of the older boys had tried to make a move on Evie and Carlos-now for Carlos she didn't knew if it was they tried to bully him or actually tried to get with him-They are her friends,and she would kill for them. So when she heard one of ten older boys-not Felix-has grabbed two of her best friend she flipped. What she didn't know,was that the boy was watching them and knew all her moves. So she lost,earning a stab in the leg.

Evie never started fights,but hardly ended them either. She had tried to avoid them. But one day one of the lost boys had continued to bother her,making her angrier than she already was. So she punched him,sending him back a step. When he easily hit her with the sharp weapon,not caring who she was was until it had hit her. She looked at her,seeing the blood start to drip from her shoulder. The boy looked at the blood leaking from her wound.

Jay fought when provoked and angry. And he was mostly a very when people hurt his friends. So he had fought more then the rest of his friends. As the people they fought,the people that hurt them he fought. He took in to many at one time.coming back to his friends with blood almost everywhere.

Gil easily won the fights,at least when he wasn't caring for someone. He was fighting someone who had hurt Harry as well as Carlos,when another lost boy snuck up on him. Grabbing the boy in a headlock as two others,kept his arms behind him. So the one he was fighting could punch him repeatedly. But even then,he had managed to get in multiple punches.

They had had way more scars,not just one. It seemed like they were covered in scars. As if they were simply birthmarks. Just a second skin. Nothing else but something that blended into them.

They were used to the fights on the island. Used to getting hurt. They had even now knew how to heal the wounds. Or some of them as most were still scars as would leave plenty of scars. They got used to the scars,as they thought they might as well get used to them,thinking they would never get off the island.

They were used to the pain and the hurt. But certain pain they didn't think they would ever get used to that hurt.


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