Chapter 5: Time With Esdeath.

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I Don't Own Akame ga Kill!

Alusia's POV*

I was having breakfast with Bols.

Everyone else was probably asleep still.

Flashback To Earlier This Morning*

I partially woke up to the feeling of something against my back.

I opened my eyes slightly and looked over my shoulder to see a sleeping Esdeath spooning me from behind.

I blushed madly as I softly escaped her grasp and replaced it with a pillow.

Back To Present*

Bols was telling me about his wife and daughter.

I said "Aw! I wish I had a wife and a daughter!".

He said "Well all you have to do is... try.".

I laughed and said "You got it Bols.".

Kurome and Wave came in and joined us.

Kurome took a seat at the table and started eating her little snack that she refused to share with any of us.

Wave asked "How'd you sleep last night Alusia?".

I blushed madly and said "Fine! Just fine!".

He looked at me weirdly before looking out the window.

Esdeath entered and said "Alusia! We're off to Fake Mount. We'll be spending the next few days hunting.".

I said "Right, let's go.".

Esdeath turned to Kurome and Wave and said "You two will be coming with us! We're hunting Danger Beasts as well as bandits.".

Wave and Kurome said "Roger that!".

Esdeath then said "Me and Kurome will take the East side throughout the day. Alusia and Wave, you're in charge of the west. We'll exchange partners at night. So Alusia will be with me.".

A Little Bit Later At Fake-Mount*

Wave asked "I didn't want to say this in front of the team, but you've got it pretty rough, don't you?".

I looked back at him and said "Nah! It's actually been pretty nice recently. But thanks a lot for asking.".

He pulled his blade out and aimed it at me.

He charged forward and said "Watch out!" as he cut down a Tree Danger Beasts.

I said "Thanks for that!".

He said "Yeah. No problem.".

We were soon surrounded by the Tree Danger Beasts.

I said "You take the 100 to the right and I'll take the 101 to the left.".

Wave laughed and said "May the best Jaeger win.".

I turned into my wolf form and started breaking the trees down.

About 20 Minutes Later*

Me and Wave were walking after killing all of the Tree Danger Beasts.

I said "Nothing like killing Danger Beasts to get the blood flowing.".

Wave laughed and said "Yeah!".

Later At Night*

I was with Esdeath and we were fighting this huge wolf Danger Beast.

It launched at me but I caught it by it's jaws.

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