Chapter 5

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     Mal wakes up with major nausea. It's been a week since she told everyone she's pregnant and tomorrow is the big announcement. Hopefully everyone takes it well. But hey, if they could be okay with Mal and Ben getting married, why not a baby to add to it. She gets up and runs to the bathroom and throws up. Ben hears her and gets up quickly and goes to her. He kneels down and rubs her back holding back her hair. Mal feels him and smiles when though she feels awful. She finishes and wipes her mouth. She slowly gets up with the help of Ben and flushes the toilet. Ben smiles rubbing her back. "You okay?" Mal nods looking paler than usual. Ben leads her back to the bedroom and lays her down. "You deserve to rest. You're carrying a baby after all." Mal smiles and accepts his help. Yes it kills her to not be able to help the kingdom but, she wouldn't be much help if she's tired, sick and cranky all the time. Good rests will help her. Ben kisses her head and smiles. "I'll be back soon to check up on you. I'll tell Lumiere to tell Mrs. Potts to make you some breakfast. Mal nods definitely not feeling well enough for breakfast but likes that Ben is helping.

Ten minutes later

Mrs. Potts knocks on the door. "Mal dear? Can I come in?" Mal sits up and says, "Yes Mrs. Potts." She opens the door and smiles bringing in a tray. "I heard you weren't feeling well and I made you a nice breakfast." She puts the tray on Mal's lap. "Would you like anything else popkin?" Mal shakes her head smiling. "Thank you for this." Mrs. Potts hugs her. "Of course darling. Call if you need anything else." Mal nods and she leaves closing the door. Mal tries to eat what she can stomach. Surprisingly, everything goes down and she feels better.

    Mal wakes up with a fright. She gets this big pain in her stomach. It's nothing like she's felt before. She sits up, forehead and palms sweaty with fear and panick. Ben wakes up next to her and rubs her back. "Mal?" He said tiredly yet concerned. Mal starts breathing fast and she can't speak. She looks down and can't see her feet. Her stomach grew to the size of a watermelon! She can't be due already! This isn't right! Unless...someone put a spell on her! She looks at Ben tearing who has already gotten up and is calling for help.

Ten minutes later.

Mal is set up in her room with all the sheets removed except for one under her and a towel. She has a blanket on top as Fairy Godmother is getting her supplies. "Bippity Boppity!" She keeps saying over and over thinking that's what she says in times of crisis. She then kneels down with gloves and gets ready.

"Okay Mal! We're going to push! Ready?"
Mal shakes her head no sobbing and Ben trying to comfort her. Ben makes her look at him. "Hey look at me. It will be okay I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Mal nods and holds his hand tightly,cutting his circulation off most likely. Fairy Godmother gets ready and yells push! Mal pushes and screams, the lights flickering. She keeps pushing and pushing. What felt like hours was just a few minutes. It felt like forever. All of a sudden, big green smoke filled the air and you heard cackling that only Mal has heard a thousand times. She looks up and meets those familiar green eyes and black horns.

"Mother?!" Mal exclaims. Maleficent cackles and poofs the baby into her arms making Mals stomach instantly flat. She feels and then looks around frantically. "Mother give me back my baby!" "No...I think I'll keep her. Another curse should do her right. I wasn't invited to this christening was I?" Mal stutters not sure what to say and and she looks at Ben who is gone?! Pretty soon everything goes black and the last thing she hears is her mother cackling.

She wakes up sweat pouring down and breathing fast. She feels her stomach and feels the small bump she's had before. She sighs of relief and just starts crying. That was probably the worst nightmare she's had yet. She looks over at Ben who's safe and sound asleep. She doesn't want to wake him but she needs his cuddles. She shakes him gently and he wakes up seeing her. Ben sits up instantly and holds her. "What's wrong baby?" He holds her rubbing her back. She's still crying. "It was horrible! You you were gone and our baby! My mother took my baby and and-" Ben strokes her hair. "Shhh it's okay it's okay it's over. It wasn't real I'm here. You're mother is still a lizard and the baby is right here." He feels her bump. Mal nods calming down. Ben kisses her head multiple times knowing that calms her down. Mal stops crying and just stays in his arms wanting to stay in them forever. Ben holds her knowing she needs comfort. All this anxiety isn't good for the baby. Ben wishes he could do something to make Mal worry less. He just found the perfect idea! He'll take her out on a date away from the kingdom. Just the two of them to relax and have a great time. It was set. They were going to have a date night!
Hey guys!! I am sooooo sorry this took SO long! I've had school, lots of hw, soccer practice life and I didn't have a lot of inspiration! But, somehow this all came out so I hope you enjoy! Also! This story hit 1k reads?! I can't believe this grew so fast I didn't even expect to get like one lmao! Anyway! I will try to port chapters more frequently but I can't promise consistency! Please comment and vote I always love your feedback!! Love you all!!❤️

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