The Past dosen't always stay in the past.

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Heyooooooo! Ok, So it’s My Video Competition week! So I’m asking my readers from every different book to make a video. Yeah. So if you want to enter the The Way she laughs Video Comp and want to see the prizes and details check out the bottom ;)

CLUE 2# - The couple is from Harry Potter

X Gwen





Natalie’s POV




“Hey Babe! We’re hooome!” Liam called, coming in and giving me a quick peak on the cheek.

“Hey, Liam.” I said with a smile. “Hey Lou.”

“Hey.” He said, not really looking at me, his eyes scanning the room. “Where’s Molly?”

“I don’t know. She got a call from her sister and had to go somewhere.”

“Ok.” Louis said, picking up his jacket from the place that he had slung casually two seconds ago. “Where’s she going?”

“Are you sure you should go?” I ask. “I mean, it sounded pretty important.”

“I want to go.” Said Louis firmly. “Now where is she going?”

I sigh. “I think she’s going to her old house.”

“Ok, Where’s that?”

“A couple of streets down from here, I think it’s 72 Smith street or something.”

“Got it.” He says, grabbing his wallet and stuffing it in his jeans.

“Wait, No! Louis I’m not-“ I begin to say but he slams the door and a couple of seconds later I can hear his footsteps running down the path.

I look up at Liam and smile. “You’re sister rang by the way.”

“Oh she did?” Liam asks.

“Yep, She wants you to pick her up somewhere sometime this week.”

“I’ll just get Lou to do it.”

“Ok.” I say, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Night.”

The way she Laughs (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now