Chapter 6

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John kissed Sherlock softly, feeling happy and relaxed. It was their last full day in Quebec and they just wanted to be lazy. It had been odd at first to wake up next to Sherlock, feeling his long arms wrapped around him. But when Sherlock nuzzled into him with a low moan, John sunk into it.

It had been a long, wonderful night, finally being naked together and having the time to really explore, learning each other's bodies.

"What do you want to do today?" John asked, when Sherlock seemed more alert.

The answer was kisses pressed along his neck, and a large hand sliding down his chest. Sherlock shifted closer, and feeling his erection rubbing against his stomach made John groan, and push back into him. He was hard again, marveling at his body's responsiveness. He hadn't had this much sex with anyone for ages.


A long time later, they finished off a huge decadent room service breakfast, showered and dressed casually.

The weather was mild so they acted like tourists, renting mopeds to tour around a pastoral island nearby, stopping to buy local cheese, bread, and fruit. Back on the mainland, they went to a waterfall, eating their lunch nearby and just feeling lazy.

"So, what should I call you? My boyfriend, my partner, my flatmate, my friend?" John was leaning against a tree, toying with Sherlock's hair.

Sherlock was lying down on his back, his head on John's lap. "I could call you my John."

John chuckled at that. "People will probably think you are a sex worker and I'm your customer if you do that. It's supported by you being younger and so much better looking than I am."

Rolling his eyes at the comment, Sherlock sat up. "Fancy a shag? I'm expensive but I'm worth it."

Sherlock gave him a coy look, and John felt that familiar tug of attraction, shaking his head at how easily he was aroused around Sherlock lately. It hardly took a look, or being close to him, for John to get hard, wanting him closer for a deep kiss.

His thoughts must have been easy for the detective to deduce, as he leaned in to kiss John hungrily.

John felt a bit dazed when Sherlock lifted his head, giving them both a chance to catch their breath. "I thought sex workers didn't normally kiss."

Sherlock gave him a warm look. "I usually don't, but you are special." He kissed down John's neck, nipping at his skin in a way that made John moan.

"That feels good, but maybe we should wait for the hotel room." John pushed a hand into Sherlock's hair, tugging on it lightly.

But Sherlock didn't stop, his mouth doing delicious things on John's sensitive neck, while his hand slid up his thigh. "I'm just trying to keep my customer happy."

"Sherlock..." John groaned, tugging now at Sherlock's hair to move him away, even though he was so turned on.

Lifting his head, Sherlock surveyed the area. "There's nobody around for miles. And there is something I've always wanted to do to you somewhere public. It's a big fantasy of mine."

This man was going to be the death of him. "Fantasy? About me?" The idea of Sherlock fantasizing about him was so hot.

With a wicked grin that showed his reckless side, Sherlock was unzipping John's fly, and reaching inside.

John knew he should stop this. They were below a tree, and the park was fairly quiet right now, but someone could walk by at any time and see them. But it felt so good, he just leaned back with a soft moan.

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