Chapter 5

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The large cappuccino tasted good, and was really all the breakfast John could handle right now. He had slept in a little, had a long shower, and drank more water. He didn't feel too hung over, just a little tired.

Physically he wasn't too bad, but emotionally he was a mess. What the hell had happened last night?

Sitting on a park bench, he calculated the time difference and called England with Skype.

"Hello! Or should I say 'Bonjour!'" Harry smiled widely in greeting.

John returned the smile. He missed her dear face. "Bonjour. How are things going for you today?"

Harry seemed good, even after a week of taking care of a toddler. "Doing well. Rosie misses her Daddy and Sherlock, keeps asking where you are."

"And what do you say?" John hoped the little girl wasn't confused by their absence.

"She doesn't understand that you are far away, but I found a book at the library on Canadian animals. She probably thinks you are hanging out with polar bears and buffalo." Harry joked.

John chuckled along. "We've seen lots of Canadian geese. And we went whale watching near here and a massive one swam by our boat. Maybe Sherlock will see more wildlife today. He's out hiking."

"Not together today? Trouble in paradise?" Harry's tone softened, looking at John with concern.

Sighing, John ran a hand through his hair. "We ran into a bit of a snag last night. Sherlock planned this whole incredible day for us..." John described everything, glad to be able to talk it over with Harry.

Harry shook her head when he finished. "Hmmm....what's the address for your hotel?"

"Why?" John was thrown by her question.

"Because I want to send you a big package of wool socks and some winter boots." Harry said, giving him an exasperated look.

John gave a half-chuckle at that. "You really think it's just that? Just cold feet?"

Harry shrugged. "Well, I get the feeling you really care about Sherlock, but you got nervous when it came to the end of the night. You drank too much deliberately as a way to get out of being intimate with him."

It made sense. But John felt confused about it, since they had been so comfortable kissing and touching other times.

"Look. You may think you are fine with being sexual with a man, but part of you may still be resisting it. This is a big step. Once you do this, you will be bisexual." Harry explained.

John considered this. "Most people have thought I already was. There have always been rumours about Sherlock and I."

"But you know the truth. Once you take this step with Sherlock, you have taken a step away from just being a heterosexual man. Maybe it isn't a big deal in your mind, but I think you should think about it. Make sure you are truly OK with it." Harry said, her eyes concerned.

John took her advice to heart. She had struggled with her sexual identity in her early twenties, before declaring herself a lesbian.

Taking a sip of tea, Harry looked at John closer. "Aside from the orientation change, you also have to think about your feelings about Sherlock. Are you ready to take these final steps and fully become his boyfriend?"

John nodded at the question. "It's why we took this vacation. Just some time away from distractions to focus on the change in our relationship, to see if it can work."

"How do you feel about it?"

That was The Question. John didn't think he was holding back because of the change to his orientation. He wasn't sure about his feelings towards Sherlock.

Four Continents Watson (Johnlock)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin