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We figured we would ride to the park together me on a bike and him on a wheelchair. I still don't think its the same. I think it should have been me instead. I'm going to find a way where I can get a wheelchair so I can experience it with him. 

I really wanted to do something this winter but I can't find much. So I looked up online what I could do. I found a place where people with wheelchairs can have the oppurtunity to ski. 

I can't wait to go just a week away. 

The next morning Zach was back at school. People asked why he was in a wheelchair. He told some of his friends. I just didn't want people thinking bad of me but I deserved it.

I got better in school knowing he was okay. My C's raised back to A's and I had no worries on my mind. My friend Anna has a boyfriend named Keaton, so I asked if she wanted to tag along. 

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