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I go up the elevator to see him I walk to his room "230 A" He was so excited to see me but I felt bad for not remembering him. He seemed a little better but he couldn't talk so I gave him his present and he wrote "I love you Elizabeth :)" I was happy because I haven't heard/saw this in a while.

Even if it was on a white board it still meant a lot to me. So I told him the same and prayed over him. Then I went to my grandparents house because our house got burnt down. I layed down thinking about what happened. I feel asleep.

I hear his mom Kristie talking to the nurse that he has an opportunity for surgery. His mom doesn't want him to have surgery, but Zach would like the opportunity. The only thing I don't like about it is that nobody will be able to sit in the room and it may take 12 hrs. He has surgery tonight just 1 hour away.

I go to the food court at the hospital while he is having surgery. I come back and they say I can't go in so I go and write in my journal about my experience.

Then finally I can come back in. He can come home but he has to rest in bed for 1-2 weeks. Over those weeks I write what I would like to do with him after his bed rest.

Soon the Hospital calls they say "He won't be able to walk the best we can do is put him in a wheel chair." I never thought I would hear these words in life.

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