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The Winter Soldier is confused. He's doubting everything he thinks he knows, because he is beginning to realize that he has some of those memories Barnes was talking about.

Why did he call him Buck?

Why did he let him go, when he clearly isn't HYDRA?

What are these feelings? The soldier isn't supposed to feel. He is supposed to follow orders. He is supposed to be killing Barnes right now.

But instead he's perched on a plane, having an existential crisis, trying to remember what HYDRA wants him to forget.

He can remember a boy, bigger than him but with the kindest eyes, eating a hotdog with him.

He remembers a woman's face in a compass.

He remembers a helmet with an "A" on the front.

Eventually, he has to get up to look for Barnes. 

Steve is trying to claw his way out.

The soldier isn't sure which side he's on anymore.

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