Hvitserk - Who's The Dog?

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Smut warning!

Enjoy my loves!


Hvitserk stormed out of the grand hall, anger pouring out of him as his brothers words replay in his head.

"You're just a dog who follows orders."

He could hardly contain himself, wanting to pull Ivar from his chair and stab him over and over again until he could feed him to the dogs. Instead of having a murder scene on his hands, he quickly dismissed himself to leave his brothers and their jokes.

Of course, you had been in a horrible mood as well as you stumbled upon the Prince, he sat down by the docks. You rolled your eyes as he slammed his dagger into the wood, watching as it splinters.

"What do you want." He huffs and you ignore him as you continue your stroll to cool yourself off from the heated argument you had just escaped from with one of the shield maidens.

Hvitserks head turns, watching your form walk away and he scoffs at your choice to ignore him. He swiftly rises and stalks after you, his dark form like a shadow to your tiny one.

"Leave me alone Hvitserk." You growl as you pivot around on your heel and look at the man, in the middle of the forest.

"I asked you a question earlier and you ignored me. I want an answer." He growls and you scoff, rolling your eyes at the childish statement.

"Okay, dog." You hiss, watching as his lips twitch up lightly at your words.

"Don't call me that." He growls and you roll your eyes, crossing you arms over you chest.

You had grown tired of Hvitserks entitled attitude towards anyone who wasn't his brothers. He treated you like a slave when you both knew you were so much more than that to him.

"What, is the dog gonna go run to his master and get me yelled at?" You snap, watching as his fists ball up in anger. You had no clue what you were truly doing at that moment, no clue what feelings you were pushing, and to be honest if you had known, you still would of done it.

He looks up at you, his green eyes now dark with anger. You stare right back at him, challenging the Prince at his own game. A small smirk twists onto his face and you do the same.

 A small smirk twists onto his face and you do the same

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"Dog." You whisper and in the blink of an eye, Hvitserks large hand is wrapped around your throat as he pushes you into a nearby tree.

You grab his wrist of the hand that's around your throat and you squeeze it, causing him to squeeze your throat tighter as he shoves his hands straight down your trousers and chuckles darkly.

His head pushes itself right into your neck as he nips at the skin before picking his lips up to draw a long lick up to your ear before he speaks, "Who's the dog?" He grunts and pushes past your undergarments, slipping in a single digit.

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