Ubbe ~ Raider

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You watched as the men came back on their boats from yet another raid. Children ran to the front of the dock in search for their fathers and after a while you caught something no one else seemed to really notice.

It wasn't people from your village.

Panic spread through you as you screamed for everyone to get back. The few men who stayed grabbed weapons and shields as the children ran back into their homes with a few housewives.

A man ran up to you and handed you a sword before expressing his concern. "How do we know they mean us harm?" He spoke quickly and you looked at him.

"We don't know, we will wait and see if they prepare an attack, even if they don't I want bows drawn and ready Incase they decide to have some fun." You spoke sternly and he nodded, giving your orders out to everyone.

As the ships approached they didn't draw their bows or weapons and they ended up docking 1 of their ships. Your men parted and you walked through.

You were no Queen, but you were one of the best warriors, even though you didn't go on raids, you stayed for this very reason.

"Where is your king." A man with long blonde hair asks.

"That is none of your concern. In fact you aren't the one whose allowed to be asking questions right now. It's ours." You smile and he raises an eyebrow as another man with long brown hair walks up to him.

They were both very good looking, there was no denying that. Their hair was braided in an impressive state but you pushed that from your mind as you sheathed your sword.

"You two, come with me, your men will stay here and if they try anything they are dead. Understood?" You ask and they nod, handing their weapons to their men.

"We mean no harm, we only wish to speak." The brown haired man speaks and you just turn around and let them follow you.

You lead them to the great hall and close the door so no one may hear you speak. They looked confused as the room is empty, no king or queen on the throne.

"My king is away on a raid, I'm in command when he is away, so what is it that you want." You ask and they look at each other before looking back at you.

"Let us introduce ourselves first. I am Bjorn and this is my brother Ubbe." Bjorn speaks and you nod introducing yourself.

"We would like an alliance with your people. You make and sell some of the best weapons we've ever seen and we feel we would both benefit from each other." Ubbe smiles warmly and you look at him.

"I...that is something my king must discuss with you. How am I sure we can even trust you though?" You state, suspension lacing your words.

"We didn't expect you to trust us right away and we understand that. I can see how is randomly showing up could been seen as threatening but we brought many goods to trade with you on our ships." Bjorn states looking into your eyes and then looking at Ubbe, he nods in agreement.

"Very well," you nod and call out to one of the slaves, "Alva! Go tell Bjarke to let these men bring their ships in." You instruct and she nods and runs off to the docks.

Bjorn excuses himself to go help with the docs and Ubbe stays.

"If you don't mind he asking, why is it that your king has put you in command?" He states politely and you raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm one of his best warrior, but I do not go on raids with him so I may manage the people and Incase there is an attack. I take care of small affairs, as he has no Queen." You smile at him as you invite him to walk with you.

You walk out of the great hall together and move down to the shore, on the opposite side of where his men came in.

"Once he gets a Queen I'm sure my position will be revoked and I will just be a body guard of the sorts." You give a sad smile, "but I do love to rush of a fight, always have. So I might go off and fight with the men in the raids."

"You could come back with us if you wish. My brother rules our kingdom and he appreciates a good fighter when he sees them. You would be taken on raids and battles and feast every night." Ubbes smiles and you look at him confused.

"We've just met and you already invite me to join your people Ubbe?" You laugh and he does as well.

"I need to think about it, I cannot just abandon my people. For the tome being though and until you are ready to return home, you and your men may stay here." You speak softly, "do not over stay though, and if your men try anything I will slit their throats and send you all on your way." You spit rudely and then turn around to walk away.

Bjorn walks up and you tell him the same and he nods as his men bring crates of goods and trading materials, many of your people seemed over joyed at the sight.

"Take these to the market and send your me to the other part of the village, we have abandoned homes and a few huts they may rest in for the night." You instruct your people and Bjorn.

"For someone who isn't a queen you sure act like one." Ubbe laughs and you look at him strange.

"They need leadership and someone they can trust in." You smile.

"You sound just like Ivar, I think he'll like you, I know I already do." Ubbe smiles back at you and you blush a little.

As the night goes on you and Ubbe her more friendly with each other and he eventually convinces you to return home with him

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As the night goes on you and Ubbe her more friendly with each other and he eventually convinces you to return home with him.

He tells Bjorn and he seems happy as well. You pick one of your most trusted warriors to take command and to tell him to give your condolences to your king. Along with tell him your kingdoms were now in an alliance.

Ubbe was over joyed between drinking and you joining him. He ended up peppering you with kisses and hugging you constantly.

You were a blushing mess by the end of the night and it was going to be worse for both of you as you let him spend the night in your room.

It was going to be a long trip to your new home.

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