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Hello my name is Beyoncé Knowles, And I am (20 year old ) and I'm from Houston, Texas born and raised. But I recently finished college and now on my way to be a nurse. And I've always wanted to go to New York, So now that I'm done with school my parents are going to help me move to New York. Also you're probably thinking how is she done with college and she only 20 years old well,I was always ahead of my class since elementary school so I skipped a couple grades and ended up being the youngest to graduate high school. Oh and not to Brag but I also was a straight A student and graduated with honors.
So most of the time people are very impressed but some people are not when I tell them and try to make me seem like a smarty pants
But my family and friends tell me they just hatin , and now when they "hate" I chuckle because they can stay in their struggle.

So I'm recently in the airport waiting with my parents and my two sisters Kelly, and Solange.
Solange is the youngest and my full sister we're five years apart. But Kelly is a year older then me and she's my half sister, Because my dad cheated on my mother two years before my mother got pregnant with me. And Kelly's mother got pregnant a year before my mom so my dad told my mother after I was born
Because Kelly's mother went to the store and never came back and left Kelly with my dad and my mother knew Kelly shouldn't be punished for my dads mistakes so my mom raise Kelly now my mom represents all of us as her biological kids.
But although I'm close with both my sisters and would stomp a bitch if she tries either one of them, me and Kelly are not just close sisters we're BFF's mainly because we're closer in age and for five years before solo came along we we're all each other had. Hey I know five years ain't a lot but when we were together we just clicked and now we're inseparable.but I love my little sister to death and would do anything and everything for her.
Yet here I am leaving them and my loving and annoying parents, while I go start my life somewhere completely different with no one I know,and I'm scared but oh so excited!.

Yet here I am leaving them and my loving and annoying parents, while I go start my life somewhere completely different with no one I know,and I'm scared but oh so excited!

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So I guess wish me luck!😁

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