Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Kira…” He whispered softly as he shook his head. “Don’t go in there.”

I was standing out the front of the forest in a long dress that reached my ankles. My hair hung in long waves down my back with pretty flowers laced through it and I only now realised that Stefan was holding my hand close to his heart with a pleading look upon his face.

“Please.” He whispered one last time.

I looked straight into his eyes and sighed. I leant forward slowly and gracefully to kiss his forehead. “I’m sorry Stef, but I have to go.”

I slowly backed away still staring straight into his eyes with our hands slipping away from the others with every step. I watched his pained and apologetic face harden into something more Stefan. A face of courage and knowing and complete adoration for me, just like normal.

“I’ll come with you.” He urged.

I smiled and shook my head. “No, I have to do this alone. I’m sorry Stef.”

“So is this it? You choose him?” He whispered so sadly that I thought I would cry.

My face stayed neutral and instead of answering his question I ran off into the mess of trees behind me.


I woke up and rolled over to look at my clock. It was beeping loudly which told me that I had to get up to get ready for school. I didn’t really feel like going, I didn’t want to face anyone. I just wanted to stay at home and curl up with a good book. But I had to go. So like any other day I got up and hopped into my shower.

When I was done I wrapped a towel around me, dried and then quickly dressed before absentmindedly wandering down the steps to get some breakfast. Elijah was already sitting at the kitchen table with my father and I sat as far away from them as I could. My dad gave me a funny looked but I just ignored it. I wasn’t in the mood.

“How did you sleep sweetie?” He asked me kindly.

I shrugged but didn’t say a word.

“Kira, honey, what’s wrong?” He pressed.

I looked up at him blankly shook my head and then looked back down at the table.

“Kira is there something going on that I should know about?” He demanded, his voice coming across as a worried parent.

I heard the click clack of my mother’s stilettos walking into the room and then the smell of her perfume as she took her seat beside me. “Just ignore her; she’s been a moody bitch all week.”

I rolled my eyes. “I have not.”

“Yakira tell me what is wrong with you this instant otherwise I’ll forbid you from leaving this house other than to go to school.” She snapped at me.

I glared at her. “We agreed to never use my real name. My name is Kira. Okay, do you get that? I never want to hear that word ever again!”

“Yakira is your birth name and if I feel like using it every once in a while then so be it. I am your mother and I’ll call you what I want, do you get that?”

“Look, ground me if you want but trust me it won’t work. I’ll just come and go when I want anyway.” I promised her.

“Look this phase or whatever it is that you’re going through better end rather soon because I won’t be putting up with it any longer, are we clear Yakira?” My mother’s hand came down onto the table hard in front of me.

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