Chapter 12

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A/N: I am sooo sorry for the late update. I will try my best to update faster in future.

Both Sirius and Remus were both seated on the couch, staring wide-eyed at James and Luke once they had been filled in by the cousins. Sirius had his palm on his forehead while Remus was griping the arm of the couch.

"Soo, Abby ... is ... yours? And ... Lily's ... And Harry's sister?" Remus stuttered.

James nodded in agreement as Remus flopped backwards on the couch.

"Why didn't you at least tell us, your best friends?" asked Sirius indignantly.

"It's not that I wanted to hide it from you both and I would have told you if it just involved me. But we had decided as a group that we weren't going to tell anyone, even our most trusted friends and family. I'm really sorry", James apologized, unwilling to look at Sirius's eyes.

"What if Harry or Abby find out about this?" asked Remus.

"He's right, I don't think Abby would take this well at all," Sirius agreed.

"You two aren't going to tell anyone are you?" asked Luke apprehensively.

"Don't worry Luke. I wouldn't betray my friends by letting their secrets slip even if my life depended on it," said Sirius.

"And neither would I," said Remus.

"But like Remus said, what if Abby does find out?" Sirius looked at James.

"We were hoping that we could think about how to deal with that if and when that happens," said James uncertainly.

"Alright, we won't tell anyone, but I just hope this doesn't create issue in future," said Remus as Luke breathed a sigh a relief.

"Will you both forgive me for keeping this?" James stood up and walked towards his best friends who followed suit.

"Of course," said Remus put his hand on James's.

"I suppose I could let this slide," said Sirius with tones of mock grace as James grinned and Sirius reassuringly patted him before both the Marauders left the room.

"Luke, I promise you have nothing to worry about. I don't intend to take your place as Abby's father," said James earnestly.

"And Sirius and Remus ... they won't tell anyone right?"

"They won't", said James confidently. "I've know them since I was eleven and I can reassure you that they're the most loyal friends one could ask for".

"But weren't you confident Peter Pettigrew was loyal?" asked Luke skeptically.

"Yeah...but...they aren't like Peter," said James as Luke narrowed his eyes at him. "Peter had the self-serving interest of his safety when he betrayed me. Sirius and Remus have no reason to let this out as they gain nothing".

"I suppose that's true," Luke resigned. "I apologize if I was harsh but I hope you understand".

James nodded as the cousins bid each other goodnight in peace.


The last few days of the summer passed quicker than usual as Harry enjoyed bonding with his family and friends. The Potters, Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius and Remus were at King's Cross to send the kids off to Hogwarts. For the first time, Harry would miss home and couldn't wait for the holidays. But at the same time, he was excited for another year at Hogwarts especially with Hogsmeade trips to look forward to. James had signed his permission slip. He hugged each adult goodbye before saving his dad for last.

"Bye dad. I'll see you during at my first Quidditch game. You'll be there won't you?" asked Harry hopefully.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll miss you, son," James said earnestly.

"I'll miss you too," said Harry as both father and son embraced.

He got on the train with the rest of the kids and waved goodbye to the adults until they were out of sight. 


Draco and his friends were walking to the castle door after getting down from their carriage when he spotted the Golden Trio and a brown haired girl get down from another one of the carriages.

"Weasley, heard your family got hold of some money. Your mother must have died from shock," he mocked.

Weasley grew red and had to be held back from advancing at him by Potter and Granger. He saw Granger mutter "That's Malfoy" to the brown haired girl.

"What's your problem Malfoy?" the brown haired girl asked him indignantly.

Draco felt a jolt in his stomach as he noticed she was really beautiful with dark brown wavy hair that was pinned back and hazel eyes. He shook off those feelings.

"And who are you?" he sneered.

"Abigail Potter.  Harry's second cousin", she said.

Draco's father had told him about the other Potter branch that married into the Black family. The girl was related to him on his mother's side.

"Oh yeah ... well ..." he tried to find something to insult her with but he couldn't. There was nothing he could find wrong about her looks. She was rich, pureblood and not an orphan. "Pity you need a girl to defend you Wealsey. Is Potter's cousin your new girlfriend? But surely no girl can have such poor taste," he deflected back to insulting Weasley who still had to be held back by Potter and Granger.

"Shove off, Malfoy" said Potter.

"You're really mean," said Abigail disapprovingly.

"Oh yeah ... well ... I don't take lectures from stupid girls. Come on boys" said Draco as he left with his comrades. He heard her yell behind him something along the lines of "Stupid girl? You ... you ..."


The sorting ceremony began and Byron was sorted into Slytherin. Harry was initially shocked but remembered that Abigail and Byron's parents and grandparents on both sides had been Slytherins. He returned his second cousin's wave who had taken his seat at the Slytherin table. After the first years were sorted, McGonagall announced that they had a new third year who had to be sorted, Abigail Potter. Like her brother, Abby was also sorted into Slytherin after a good few minutes. Harry had learnt that Slytherins weren't all evil and there were good Slytherins, but he couldn't help feel a little disappointed that his cousins were not in his house. When Dumbledore announced the names of the new professors that would be joining them, he was pleased that Hagrid would be the new Care of Magical Creatures professor. He would have liked his Uncle Remus to have been the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor but Remus had decided to turn it down.

A/N: Please, please review and let me know what you think about the storyline so far.

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