Chapter 9

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James and Harry were at Quality Quidditch Supplies at  Diagon Alley, admiring everything Quidditch about the store. The store was filled with various brooms, broom polish, items for brooms service, and various Quidditch themed souvenirs like Quidditch player collector's cards, keychains and small broom models for showcase. Even the Firebolt had a much smaller broom model that sold faster than the actual Firebolt as it looked elegant as a souvenir in a showcase. They browsed through the Quidditch Player Collector's cards.

"I used to collect these," said James.

"I've never heard of any of these players," Harry admitted.

James picked up a magazine near the cards stand.

"Read this for a year and you'll be filled in. I used to subscribe to this. I used to be more engrossed reading this than my school books," said James nostalgically.

Harry took the magazine and looked at it's cover that read "Quidditch Illustrated". Right at the top of the magazine's right side read "August 1993 Issue". Around the cover, there were headings like "Firebolt: Latest Release and Popular for the Quidditch World Cup 1993-1994", "Firebolt: Broom Review", "Bob Riley retired from the Serpent Strikers", "Sprezles: Latest Energy Drink for Qudditch Players" and "Chudley Canons Poster Inside". Harry browsed through the magazine. It was a more interesting read than his schoolbooks. How had he never noticed the magazine before?

"Chuldley Canons is Ron's favorite team. He'd be glad to have their poster. Did you have a favorite team dad?" asked Harry.

"Phoenix Pioneers. Your grandfather used to take me to their games every chance we got," said James reminiscently. "The offered to have me try-out for the team after seeing my final Quidditch game at Hogwarts. It was my dream since I was a boy, but I turned it down," said James casually. 

"Why'd you turn down you dream job?" asked Harry.

"With the war and Voldemort getting stronger, I couldn't just sit back and not get involved. I could have remained neutral during the war and pursued my dream of joining the Pioneers, but joining the Order and helping felt like the right thing to do," said James nobly. 

"That was really admirable, dad," said Harry as his father ruffled his hair in appreciation.

Harry and James purchased the Quidditch Illustrated and several Quidditch Player Cards. As they were heading out of the store, Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy entered the store with their identical sneers.





"Heard you rose from the grave, Potter" said Lucius

James rolled his eyes. "Yeah Malfoy. I'm the Walking Dead."

"My dad was never in the grave," said Harry indignantly.

"Indeed. Saw where Dumbledore landed you Potter? You always blindly trusted the old fool. Your son was just as foolish in hero-worshiping Dumbledore." Said Lucius with a sneer.

Harry and James exchanged annoyed looks before glaring at Lucius Malfoy.

"Still think I was wrong for trying to get your headmaster fired, boy?" asked Lucius.

"But you didn't try to get him sacked for noble reasons. You wanted him out because he was in your way of attacking muggle-borns," said Harry.

"In my way, boy," Lucius sneered in amusement. "He let the school continue to run even after three attacks. Anyways, Potter. I heard you filed a lawsuit against Dumbledore. I must say I'm impressed. How about we take Dumbledore down together?"

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