Eyes in the sky Part 1

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 The population is rising, there are people everywhere in the world. There are so much chaos and poverty that's been going on. People are struggling to make end's meet. Big companies and corporations are increasing their profits every year. People believe they're alone in the universe but they may not be true. The universe is extremely vast and there may be trillions of alien races and variety of beings in this region. Soon, they may find out but it might be too late. There have been so many eyes in the skies that have been watching Earth for a long time. Some of them are even here secretly. They hide the real information from the public so people won't panic. Although everyone has to know what's going on. The secret forces are here for clandestine purposes but they don't want anyone to know why they're here. So everything will be hidden and kept secret throughtout their plans. They studied human population for so many years and gathered enough data about human physiology, psychology, beliefs and society's structure. People must know all about this, only a few people with awareness can reveal the secrecy of the forces that come here from elsewhere. Universe may not be what you think or believe. It's not the heavens where all beings live harmoniously and prosperously. Humans must protect their own world otherwise they can fall under influence.

 The more awareness and knowledge you have, the more free you can be in life. Nobody is going to help you get through this so people must understand how the situation is in the universe and in their world. Stories are only imagination. We need to share the real data and information with each other so human race can take action about real threats. No intelligent beings would destroy their own world nor fall under alien order. We must continue being free and sufficient. The time has changed, this isn't a game where you can do whatever you want, whenever you want to. Everyone can only do the right things to protect their world and entire human race. This isn't just a story. I will try to explain to you the real situation at hand so you can read and understand how to get ready and start doing the important things.

 This is an amazing time on Earth to be. Everything is changing so fast. Only the certain people who search for the real knowledge can find it. There is so much fake material out there as books and online. You can't believe all of them. Most of them are fake stories to sell for profits. Books are usually novels, imagination and stories that are written well to get your attention. You must the real knowledge that's out there so your awareness can arise for you to learn and do the best things. Everything is made by people with the data and instructions gathered by their minds. It also takes practice and trying to produce good results.

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