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I woke to someone jumping on me "come on Bell wake up" I turned away putting a pillow over my ears closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep I was almost asleep when I jumped out of bed feeling cold water on me I turned to look at Paris glaring at her I stood up running after a screaming Paris I jumped on her tackling her to the ground I pinned her down on the ground

"Why did you do that"

"Do what Bell"

"Don't play dumb with me"

"I don't know what your talking about"

I stood up helping her up "yes you do you poured cold water on my head"

"Well I gave you a chance to get up but you didn't"

"I was tired"

"And now your up"

"What are you doing here"

"You didn't notice Blake in your room"

I rolled my eyes and walked in my room I took a quick shower well not really quick more like 20 minutes when I was done I got dress and dried my hair then flat ironed it and put it in a bun I walked to Blakes crib to see him smiling up at me he started walking last month just waiting to hear his first word I hope it's mommy but I'm pretty sure it's auntie since he's always with her "ma ma" I gasped he said his first word I smiled "hi baby did you have fun with auntie" he smiled at me jumping up and down "eat eat" "your hungry huh" I picked him up changed his diaper and put a different outfit on him since we'll probably got to the store after we go to the mall and get a few things we need

I walked down the stairs and sat Blake in his high chair I looked to see pancakes already cooked I cut some up and put syrup on it for Blake I put it in a bowl and handed it to him I grabbed two pancakes for myself put syrup and sat down while I was eating Paris came down frowning "why are you eating my pancakes"

"Why did you wake me with cold water"

She rolled her eyes "I'm your favorite right Blake not this mean old lady" he giggled at her clapping his hands "auntie" she gasped

"Did he just say"

"Yep he's talking a little now he sat ma ma and eat upstairs"

"That's great" when he was done eating she picked him up saying "I'll clean him up and take him a bath"

"Fine but put the outfit on my bed on him when your done"

"Where are you going with my nephew" I laughed at her shaking my head

"To the mall and the grocery store we should be back in two maybe three hours not that long I don't want to be out too late with him"

"Hmm ok do you want me to come with you"

"No it's ok besides I haven't spent time with him you go have fun with your mate I'll hang out with Blake"

"Ok but if you need me call me"

"Ok mom"

"Why thank you daughter"

She walked away while I finished eating when I was done I cleaned the kitchen and sat on the couch watching tv I was into watching a series of unfortunate events I felt someone push my head I turned to see Paris smirking at me I paused my show looking at her


"Here's your baby"

"Um thank you I think"

"Your welcome" she said handing me Blake

I stood up holding Blake and grabbed his baby bag and my purse I walked out the house and to my car I placed Blake in the car seat buckled him up I closed the door and walked around the car to my side opening the door I buckled up and drove to the while I was driving I couldn't help but think about the babies that we were going to have I didn't even get to find out if their gender I was into my thoughts when I heard a beep I guess it's a green light I kept driving wondering what they would have been like I touched my stomach feeling a little kick I gasped 'they didn't die the doctor lied' 'why would he do that' 'I don't know but we have to find out why' with that I parked the car I closed door and took Blake out the car I walked in the mall holding his hand since he could walk now

I walked into the first store I seen which was baby gap I got a few outfits that I needed for Blake when I was done I walked in the electronics store since I needed a new phone mine broke and I also need a computer and a tablet I walked in the store and got the worker to get the phone tablet and computer for me which were all apple products I paid for the stuff and left I put the bags in the trunk and drove to the grocery store

I parked the car going to the store since I needed more diapers,wipes,milk and snacks for Blake I got out the car and took Blake out the car seat I got a cart and put Blake in it bulking him up I walked in the store and went to the baby's isle that had all the stuff I need I grabbed the diapers, wipes,milk and some snacks for him when I was done I paid for the stuff and put the bags in the trunk I closed the pushed the cart back where it belonged and took Blake out the cart walking back to the car while I was walking back to the car I got this sudden feeling that someone was watching me I was almost to the car when I felt a prick at my neck I looked around but soon everything became blurry and soon I let the darkness consume me

I woke to see I'm in the same cell I was years ago crap he's found me how did he find me and he's has Blake too I look up when someone walks in but what shocks me is Blake screaming loudly he handed me Blake saying "here shut him up" he shoved Blake to me when they left I rocked him back and fourth until he was asleep I Laid down on the bed hoping they find me


It's been three months since I got kidnapped my stomach is showing I look like I'm five months since I've been here I get beat everyday they don't care if I'm pregnant or not I do my best to protect my babies and Blake but it's hard I can't shift or use my powers since it can harm the babies they only feed me bread and oatmeal I just eat the bread and give Blake the oatmeal since he needs the foos to fell him up they won't let him have milk anymore I gasped as I felt a sharp pain I'm hoping It's not what I think it I can't go into labor here soon I felt water going down my legs I looked up to see the doctor who mends my wounds here she gasped seeing I was going into labor she laid me on my bed lifting up my dress telling me too push 'come on I see the head push' I pushed one last time and I heard my babies cries 'It's a girl' she sat the baby next to me telling me to push again after pushing so many times I finally heard another cry 'it's another girl' she handed her to me I picked up the other one smiling I can't believe I have twins their so beautiful they look just like Enzo "what are their names" "Victoria and Valentina" I said sitting up feeling down I had the twins without their dad I hope he's ok I hope I get out of here soon

It's been three months since I got kidnapped my stomach is showing I look like I'm five months since I've been here I get beat everyday they don't care if I'm pregnant or not I do my best to protect my babies and Blake but it's hard I can't shift ...

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