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It's been three months since my parents arrived Blake's now seven months he's getting so big he crawls around like a cheetah he's trying to walk but that'll take some time I haven't been feeling well I'm on my way to Enzo's office to tell him he did tell me to tell him if I wasn't feeling well to tell him but he's been too busy working to think about me every time I try to talk to him he tells me he's busy Blake's with Paris since she has free time and nothing to do so she asked if she could keep him for the day I swear he loves her more than anyone else Olivia is with our mom and dad when I told her who they were she was happy but very shy around them and then she started talking to them more they even brought Aiden over he looks just like my dad I walked in Enzo's office with out knocking

"Why did you come in without knocking"

"You said I didn't have to"

"Yeah but I'm currently in the middle of a meeting"

"You never complained when I did it before"

"It's different now"


"What do you need"

"You told me to tell you if I'm feeling sick I feel like somethings wrong with the babies"

"Can this wait until after my meeting"

"Wow some mate" I said leaving out the door ignoring him calling me to come back I took a quick shower got dressed then I felt sudden pain on my stomach I knew I had to get to the doctor soon so I went to find my dad to see him sitting on the couch watching tv alone "hey dad where mom and Olivia"

"The park, are you ok you look sick"

"I-I don't know I feel somethings wrong with the babies"

"Did you tell Vincenzo"

"I did but he said wait until his meeting's and they won't be done until late tonight I don't know why he's acting like this"

"Don't worry I'm taking you right now"

I grabbed my stomach feeling pain agin my legs start to feel wobbly I can barely stand my dad picked me up and placed me in the car he drove to the pack house when we got there he handed me to the doctor explaining what's going on once the doctor checked everything he checked the babies and sighed sadly

"I'm so sorry Luna but the babies died it happens all the time it's not your fault it could be stress I'm so sorry would you like me to tell Alpha"

"no I'll tell him"

I got up and walked to my dad who stood up when he saw me coming out "what happened"

"They...Their dead"

"It's going to be ok I'll be here for you"

"Well can you keep Olivia with you for a little while I'm going to stay in the pack house I can't stay with him anymore"

"Of course if there's anything you need you tell me"

"Your doing it now thank you"

I got in the car and my dad pulled out the parking lot driving me home when I got there I went in my room and started packing my clothes and all the stuff I need I walked in Blake's room and packed all clothes and some toys I went in the kitchen and grabbed his formula,food,snacks,and juice I walked up the stairs and put it in my bag I grabbed his blanket and I had my warrior set up the biggest room there for me and Blake to share I had them put a crib in there for him when I was done I grabbed my bags out my room and saw Enzo frowning

"Where are you going"

"Vincenzo I'm staying in the pack house I can't stay here with you"


"The babies died"


"I told you I wasn't feeling well but you told me to wait but my dad had to rush me there because the pain was too much"

"Baby I'm so sorry I should have been there for you"

"But you weren't you haven't been there for me since you started working again all you do is work you never have time for me or the kids I'm tired of being the only one trying I just can't"

"Baby please don't do this"

"Do what leave you've been gone for three months I had no one but the kids Paris and my parents but all I wanted was you and you didn't even care about me you just cared about working and meetings and what it's taken you what three months to realize you still have a mate and kids I don't want to be your second choice"

"I'm so sorry I'm trying with the threat and work and now the babies death I didn't know how to do it all alone"

I scoffed "you weren't alone you had me I was working just as much as you were I had luna work and Beta work to do and I was training the new warriors but I still made time for the kids and you but when I went to see you, you were to busy to pay any attention to me or the kids this isn't goodbye I just need some space away from you for now"

"Fine but just know that I'm so sorry and I love you"

I started walking away before I turned to look at him and said "I love you too Enzo"

I told Paris to bring Blake at the house when she's done spending time with him I put my bags in the car and drove to the pack house when I got there Nick the warrior I called showed me to my room I saw there was a crib in there I hung all my and Blakes clothes up then I put the socks and underwear away when I was done I went to the kitchen and put Blake's food away

when I was done I went in my room changed into some comfortable clothes I laid down knowing that Blake will probably not be back until tomorrow knowing Paris I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me

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