My Baby's Daddy! Chapter 9: Hangover + Beach = Fun Times

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  • Dedicated to To All Those Who Are Still Around

AN: Just a heads up! It’s been a loooooooong while since I’ve update this story so my writing style might’ve change. I hope that does not bother you guys.

Anyways, without further ado, here’s chapter nine~ c:


My Baby's Daddy! Chapter 9:  
Hangover + Beach = Fun Times

Oh, fuck. Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit, fuck, damn. Damn with a capital fucking D. And thinking of fucking and D’s, Michelle couldn’t refrain herself from cursing a blue streak as she clutched the blanket to her bare body and stared down at the gorgeous specimen sleeping peacefully next to her. Fuck, fuck, fuck! She was cursing like a sailor and if she was in church at the moment, she would’ve most likely burst up in flames by now. Fuck.

Ugh! For the life of her, she could not remember what transpired last night, though she had a good damn idea of what did if the clothing splattered on the ground were anything to go by. Ay dios mio. Coño, coñiaso, carajo. She cursed in Spanish because clearly, in this situation, swearing in English did not suffice in capturing the fuckery that was her current situation.

“Mich . . . ” The small groggy grumble caused the brunette to tense, her eyes nervously darting over the male next to her and waiting. Was he waking it up? A few seconds ticked by without him shifting or speaking and Michelle released a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding.  Though the relief was short lived as her head gave her a very painful reminder of all the drinks she had the previous night. She let out a small groan, rubbing at her temples in hopes of relieving some pressure. She needed coffee. And something greasy, like bacon, to munch on. But before that, she needed a cold shower. A very, very, very cold shower.

As she quickly picked up her things and hurriedly sneaked out the room, one thing stayed on repeat in her head.

I can’t believe I had sex with Eddison.


“Morning, sunshine.” Allison chirped as Michelle walked into the kitchen. The young pregnant female quickly poured some coffee in a mug and passing it to her.

“Bless you.” Michelle sighed gratefully as she moved to drown her coffee in cream and sugar. Allison chuckled. “No worries, you’re not the only one suffering from a hangover.” She commented as she motioned to the other of the kitchen island where her father, Jamie, Felix and Mary were cradling mugs of coffee between their hands. She gave them a small nod as a greeting. “Where’s the rest of the bunch?”

“Dead to the world still.” Jamie answered before taking a long sip of his coffee. Michelle couldn’t help but laugh a bit. How typical of her family. They literally went HAM on the drinking and partying. She was slowly remembering bits and pieces of what happened last night. The dancing, the drinks, the food, the games, the competitions, more drinking, more games, more dancing. A lot happened in the course of a few hours.

“Next time, we need adult supervision.” Mary said. “Because clearly some of us—” She threw Ricky a pointed look. “Cannot handle themselves when there’s liquor in their systems.” She teased and Ricky snorted. “Yeah, Pot keep calling the Kettle black.” He shot back with a smirk. “For a parent, you did some crazy shit.” Michelle’s sister-in-law groaned at the reminder of all she did the previous night.

“Someone remind me of all the crazy shit my wife did cause my memory is a little—”

“More than just a little.” Jamie snorted.

“—Hazy.” He finished, flipping Jamie off good-naturedly.

“Well, from what I can remember.” Michy began from her end of the island. “I know that at some point Mary tried to go all George of the Jungle on us and began swinging on the tire swing we have in the yard.” Michy smirked in the woman’s direction, watching as she covered her flushed face and groaned. “Let me tell you, watching a grown woman swing from a tire swing while doing the Tarzan yell is pretty fucking entertaining. I gave her an 8.5 for her skills. I know as hell that I would’ve fallen trying to get on that stupid thing.”  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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