Chapter 4

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Abigail came back. You were overjoyed. She was still just as nervous as before, but you hadn't really expected that to change. Which was probably how you ended up laying in the Mutt pen again. You didn't mind. No one was trying to bite you, the other potential adopters were bothering Tyson. There were a lot fewer Mutt's around her this time, and only a few snuggled up on your legs. You couldn't help but notice that Rockafella was among the ones settled into her lap. He looked like he was napping, but you could tell that he was watching the others vigilantly. Those two would definitely be a thing if she kept her word. You could feel a warmth spread through you at the sight.

The only thing you'd have to worry about would be her reaction to being bitten. It was an inevitability with these types of bitties. Even if Rockafella was a relatively laid back Mutt.

"_____ ? It's almost time for Smokes' therapy." You let out a groan as Cindy called for you from the back. Like clockwork you were covered in Mutts and struggling to get up. Because of course they would smother you only when you had to move.

The brats.

It took you a few minutes and the help of Caesar to get free. At least Abigail was entertained, giggling quietly at your suffering. These Mutts might be a little too smart for their own good.

"You going to be alright by yourself, or would you like me to help you out?" She looked down at her lap, where Rockafella had decided to stay. Seeming to feel her eyes on him, he looked up lazily, meeting her gaze.

"I.... I think I will be alright." Well you certainly hoped so. You gave Rockafella a look that you hoped he would interpret as keep her safe. Well, maybe he would try at least. He seemed more interested in sleeping than anything. In the end, it would probably be up to Caesar.

"Alright. See you soon okay?" She gave you a nervous nod and you left to help your boss set up.


Cushions, check. Pillows, check. Cooperative bitty... not so much. Smokes still refused to come out of his room. Cindy was pacing a hole into the floor, watching you gently try to coax the anxious Echo into your arms.

"Yeah, he's still not comfortable with any of this." You sighed heavily, rubbing at the knot in your neck from curling over for so long. Cindy let out a soft whine at the news.

"I guess we'll just have to see what happens." Your boss slumped, soft blue flames drooping. Luckily Felicia and Cas arrived, perking up the little fire monster considerably. As the three of them got settled, you made one more attempt at coaxing Smokes from behind his bed.

"Hey buddy. I know you don't want to do any of this. So I'll leave the door open for you. Just in case you wanted to join us, ok?" All you got was a hiss. Well, could be worse. You did as you promised, leaving the door open after you made sure that the gate was locked.

"I think perhaps it would be best if we let him get used to interacting in a positive way first. Wasn't he raised... well, I don't want to use the word raised for that situation. I guess brought up would work better? He grew up in a hostile environment?" You settled in beside Cindy, turning just enough to keep one eye on Smoke's crate. You didn't want him to try to scale the wall or sneak up on any of you.

"That's probably as close as we could get to it."

What you didn't anticipate was Cas just appearing in your lap. You let out an unattractive squawk, almost falling backwards with your flailing. You somehow managed to keep your balance, letting out a soft sigh of relief. Felicia and Cindy were snickering in amusement as Cas ignored your bemused expression, sprawling across your legs carelessly. Well, guess you were a bed now.

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