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(Warning flirting,smut,bad language)
Roman got up from his bed and went to Virgil room for an answer. He knock on the door luckily Virgil was up his pjs were purple and black plaid pants and a black t shirt with his logo on the left side of his chest.
"Virgil I need to talk to you?" Roman ask
"Yea sure." Virgil close the door and lock it.
"So what is it?" Virgil ask.
"Do you know why Logan is sneezing?"
"I'm just curious that's all and why did you help Logan today?"
"Because I wanted too, he felt uncomfortable and I had to get him out of there. Just because I'm dark and mysterious doesn't mean I'm a bad guy, im tired of being accused as the villain all the time and sometimes your words can hurt. And Logan's as well you and Logan's words stick... I just wanted to be nice and help Logan out. I- I- never wanted to be the bad guy. Virgil started to tear up."
"No no don't cry I'm so sorry I made you feel that way I'm such an asshole to you and I was quick to judge, I never mean to hurt your feelings Virgil."
Virgil look at Roman surprised.
"Virgil, I love you"
"I love you too."
Roman slowly close his eyes and lean towards Virgil's lips and their noses brushed together and making out. Roman slowly pull down Virgil's pants and boxers while kissing Virgil, Roman pulled down his pants and boxers.
Roman was on top on Virgil, Roman place his his penis on Virgil penis and started to rub his penis against Virgil's.
Virgil started to breath heavily and moan.
"Ngh, oh that feels good oh yeah go faster my prince."
Roman started to go faster causing Virgil to close his eyes tightly.
"oh yes there we go, oh that feels good, oh that feels good."
Roman put his hand on Virgil's penis and started to stroke it fast.
"Roman I'm-I'm I'm gonna cum oh yes give it to me- oh fuck oh fuck."
2 minutes later
"Here it comes OH GOD OH OOOHHH OHHH OH OH."Virgil finally cums all over Romans face.
Virgil sat on Romans penis and put pressure on it cause Roman to moan. Virgil rub his butt on Roman's penis for 45 straight minutes at fast paced causing Roman to cum.
Roman and Virgil were satisfied with their needs. Roman and Virgil felt tired but Roman ask Virgil should we check on Logan.
Virgil said "maybe a little later let's just snuggle for a bit." Roman agreed they both got their pants on and snuggled.
Meanwhile in Logan's room
"HACHOO, ugh", Logan sneezed
"Okay, Deceit when did you start sneezing and NO LYING!"
"Well.. It stated after I got back from the restaurant."
"Okay, how long have you been sneezing?"
"Since after 12."
"Okay, do you have a stuffy nose?"
Does it hurt when yo-HACHOO, ugh excuse me, Logan blows his nose into a tissue.
As I was saying does I- Logan signs close his eyes immediately grabs a tissue and sneezes into tissues over 27 times. Logan's nose is completely red and block, he has bags under his eyes cheeks and ears are red as well.
Deceit couldn't help but laugh for a little bit.
Logan gave him a death stare Deceit was immediately quiet.
"Does it hurt when you sneeze?"
Logan's sneezing cause Patton to wake up.

Patton was still felt bad about Logan sneezing and being embarrassed cause most people did made fun of Logan. Before Patton could make a move he just sat there on his bed just thinking about logan. He looks at his clock it was 1:21am. He knew Logan is asleep at this time at night the latest he ever stayed up was like 12. But it won't hurt to check on him.

Patton got up from his bed and went to check on Logan. He approach to the door as soon he was about to knock he heard a familiar voice he heard just on the other side. He knock the voice was immediately quiet. Luckily Logan answers the door.
"Hello Patton I didn't expect you to be up this late at night."
"Who else is in the room kiddo?"
"Nobody." Logan had to lie to Patton to reduce the chance of him overreacting and waking the others.
Unfortunately Deceit went to a sneezing fit. Logan just froze knowing feeling guilty about lying to Patton but Logan gave himself up and show him that deceit was in the room.

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