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After an hour or so waiting on their food. The waiter came in with all of the sides food and drinks they were in shock to see how good the food looks.
"Here you go." Waiter said
About ten minutes of eating and talking Logan sign as he felt a sneeze coming moment of gaps and hitches
"Oh no." Roman said
"Ah-ah ACHOOOOWEEEEEEE!" Logan sneezed into the tissue with his eyes closed tightly his nose red. Everyone in the restaurant broke their necks to look at Logan, Virgil jump because he was frightening by the dad sneeze, Roman tried to hold in his laugh, Patton stand up and try to comfort him Logan was extremely embarrassed by his loud kitten sneeze. Virgil rubes on Logan's back to comfort him. So Virgil decide to take him to the men's room.

"You okay Logan?" Virgil ask
"Ye- achooweee.. yes *sniff*."
"Look.. if it makes you feel better, I have a kitten sneeze as well but if you touch my nose I'll sneeze." Virgil explains
Logan touch Virgil's nose humpt-chuuuu
"Aww I suppose that's adorable." Logan compliments
Logan and Virgil walk to the table and all decided to leave and take out their leftovers the bill was hundred dollars so twenty five dollars for each meal. They all went home to the sanders house hold. Logan was still sneezing
"Ugh, I feel horrible Aachoooo, I think I caught a cold, *sniff* *sniff* ACHOO."
Meanwhile at Deceit house
"Ugh, oh why am I keep sneezing for Remus?" Deceit ask
"Oh I don't know, try asking that one nerd that nobody likes." Remus reply
"You mean Logan." Deceit correct Remus
"Whatever well I'm going to bed let me know how it goes." Remus sinks down to his room.
Logan was reading some books to find out why he's sneezing unfortunately none of the book didn't help. He didn't have allergies and he didn't have a fever or any cold or flu like symptoms. Suddenly Deceit appears.

"Hello again Logan." Deceit introduced himself
"What do you want and why are you in my room?" Logan questions
"Because I been sneezing a lot lately I don't know why." Deceit answers
"Sorry, I have no logical reason on why we are sneezing a lot."

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