Chapter 4: First Snow

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Soon the autumn months passed and winter came swiftly, leaving barren trees, sleeping animals, and cold, frozen dirt. The clan travelled north, further and further away from the gentle ocean and deeper into the woods that surrounded the human villages and cities. Clan Lavellan eventually settled near Tantervale, a city known for easy trade that the clan would have to rely on to get through the winter. Furs and meats were kept to the clan while art, pearls, and beautiful shells collected over autumn were sold to the humans that dwelled in that city.  

Winter, for the most part, was quiet and gloom...until the first snowfall. Nahari, Merilona, and Fainauriel were in bed one early morning, huddled beneath the heavy furs that kept the winter chill away. Lona was the first to stir, carefully shifting the furs in order to get out of bed. She quietly moved the curtains out of the way and tiptoed to the aravel's entrance while her family slept - and when she threw open the door, she was greeted with the brilliant sight of pearly white snow on the ground.

Lona grinned with delight before running back to the children's bed, leaping onto it and nearly causing Nahari to scream from the sudden shock of her sister's energy.

"Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!" Lona chanted excitedly. "It snowed, it snowed!"

Fainauriel nearly jumped from bed in surprise, shaken from being awoken so suddenly. "What? Where?" she murmured sleepily. "Did you say snow?"

"Lona..." Nahari whined weakly as she wrapped the fur blankets tightly around herself, still not awake enough to know what was going on.

"YES! There's snow! Come on, let's go play!" Lona bounced on the bed, practically bursting with energy.

"Let us at least wake up first, Lona." Fai groaned, sitting up from bed as she untangled her hair with her fingers. "And find some good clothes for snow."

"Okay fine! I'll wait for you two outside!" Lona said as she scrambled off the bed. She started running for the door...but was quickly brought back by Kala, who held her daughter up by the back of her nightshirt with one hand and held her son to her breast with the other. With an unamused glare, Kala set Merilona back down.  

"Furs. Warm clothes. All three of you, or you're not stepping foot outside of this aravel." Kala said sternly.

"But Mamae-!" Lona whined.

"No buts. You dress warmly or you don't go out at all." Kala hissed. "Do not argue with me, Merilona."

"Even I know that, Lona. Don't wanna get too cold to throw snowballs, do you?" Fai teased, as she got herself dressed.

Lona simply huffed in response, sticking her tongue out at Fai before stomping over to the small chest that contained hers and Nahari's clothes. Nahari wiggled out of bed, her body wracked with coughs as she walked over to her sister, a blanket wrapped tightly around herself to keep away the chill.

Fai paused, hearing Nahari's horrible cough. As much as she wanted the young girl to join in their fun, she couldn't help but be concerned. "Are you sure you're well enough to go outside, Nahari...?"

"I wanna see the snow..." Nahari whined softly.

"Stay close to the aravel." Kala said softly. "If her cough gets worse, please bring her back inside, you two."

"We know, we know!" Lona said as she scrambled to get out of her night clothes in favor of the thick clothes and heavy furs that she wore during the winter.

"Maybe we could bring some tea with us, just to be safe." Fai suggested, as she put on her fur-lined gloves. "Then we'll be warm inside and out."

"Ooh, good idea!" Lona grinned as she began helping her sister get dressed. "If we get too cold, we'll drink some tea and feel much better! Right, Nahari?"

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