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we are currently back in california and are in the airport looking for billie and finneas' mom.

"you excited to see grandma?" billie asks as she holds my hand. "yes!" i say and smile.

we finally see maggie, billie and finneas' mom. "grandma!" i say as let go of billie's hand and run up to her.

"paisley!" she says as she picks me up. i hug her tightly and she laughs. "did you have fun?" she asks. "yes! i got to meet bella and play with may, austin, elliot, june, aug-"

i get cut off by billie answering for me. "she had a good time." billie says and laughs.


we arrived back at the house and unpacked all of our things. billie told me to go and clean up my toys, which is unfair.

"why do i have to do it?" i mumble to myself as i pick up my barbie doll and put it in my toy bin.

i finish cleaning up my toys and walk out of my room. i walk up the stairs and walk into billie's room.

"mommy?" i ask, looking for her. i look around her room, yet still don't see her. i notice the notebook that billie is always writing in.

i stand on my tippy toes and get it off of her desk. i open it and immediately i don't understand a single word in it. maybe it's because i can't read well.

it must not be that important, so i just take it with me.

i walk back down the stairs and walk into my room. "hey paisley, whatcha up to?" finneas asks, walking into my room.

"nothing, i'm bored." i say as i hide the notebook behind my back. "want to get icecream from the kitchen?" he asks. "yes!" i say and smile.

finneas walks out the room and i quickly hide the notebook. i run back out my room and go to the kitchen.


"paisley, do you want chocolate or strawberry syrup?" finneas asks. "carmel!" i shout. "that wasn't an option but okay." finneas says and laughs.

billie walks out of the bathroom and walks over to me. she picks me up and sits down on a stool with me in her lap.

"what are you guys doing?" billie asks running her fingers through my hair.

(y'all already know i'm from georgia so typing "you guys" really made me cringe.)

"icecream!" i say and smile. "ooh, yum." billie says as she starts to braid back my hair. "one order of icecream for the princess." finneas says as he slides the bowl of icecream towards me.

i grab the spoon and immediately start shoving icecream into my mouth. "well someone is enjoying it." billie says as she laughs.

"can i have some?" she asks. "hmm." i say and pretend to think. "no thanks." i say and continue eating my icecream.

"wow, i thought we had something special." billie says. "guess i'll just," billie starts as she takes the spoon out of my hand, "serve myself since you don't want to willingly share."

she eats a spoonful of my icecream and gives me the spoon back. "HEY." i shout and fold my arms. "sharing is caring." billie says as she pats my head.

"well, i should probably go up to my room." billie says as she casually takes another spoonful of my icecream. i eat the last bit of my icecream and finneas takes the empty bowl.

billie gets up out of the chair and rests me on her hip. "you're coming with me little baby." billie says as she starts to go upstairs.


i was currently watching peppa pig while laying on billie's bed. billie had gave me some paper on a clipboard and crayons to entertain myself while she responds to some emails.

i decided to draw a fairy because i love fairies.

(this reminds me of that scene in thor ragnarok "he transformed himself into a snake and he knows i love snakes")

i start to color in my drawing when billie starts looking around. "i swear i had it right here." she mumbles to herself.

billie gets up out of her chair and walks around her room, moving things in the process.

"paisley, have you seen my notebook?" billie asks. i shake my head no. "really? i wonder where i put it." billie says as she walks out of her room. i continue drawing my fairy.

five minutes later, billie walks back into her room. "paisley." billie says. "yes, mommy?" i respond, looking up from my drawing.

"why was my notebook in your room, under your bed?" billie asks, folding her arms. uh oh. "i don't know." i lie.

"paisley." billie says sternly. "mommy." i say back. "don't mimic me, why was it under your bed?" she asks again.

"i took it." i mumble. "what?" billie asks. "i took it." i mumble again. i look at billie, and she does not look amused. well, no point in mumbling.

"i maybe kinda took it." i say a little louder. "why?" billie asks. "i don't know, i thought you didn't need it." i say and shrug. i go back to coloring.

"that doesn't mean you take it, next time just ask." billie sighs as she puts it back on her desk.

"what am i gonna do with you, paisley." billie mutters to herself as she plops into the bed. "buy me more icecream?" i suggest. billie stares at me.

"no? okay."

word count: 915

well would you look at that, i updated.

anyways, thanks for being patient (ish) and also thanks for the compliments on my face reveal :)

since y'all are my antisocial children, y'all better give me some suggestions for what i'm about to ask.

how can i get rid of my acne because a sis look like a piece of popcorn.


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