Unexpected Greetings

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I looked around at all the different types of stores and went into a few of them. Topshop was the main store I was interested in. It was like a Wet Seal or rue21. I loved it! I didn't have a lot of money on me since I didn't get the chance to convert dollars to pounds yet.

After browsing the high class looking stores that were bordering the asphalt of the street, I began to get a bit hungry. I felt my stomach growl. Maybe the Doritoz and Oreos didn't do much for me. Haha.

I looked around for a map so I could try to find a close food place to eat at. I didn't want to walk super far because of the lack of time in a day, and the sky looked a bit ominous. I tried to ask for a map from random people on the street, but they would ignore me, or give me a completely disgusted look. One even had the nerve to say "Oh look, another unintelligent American,". People here were not as nice as the people back home in Texas. Even the rudest ones didn't criticize you like that. Goodness.

Suddenly I felt a drop of rain on my hand, and I looked at my skin to make sure I wasn't imagining anything. I wasn't imagining anything. It was actual rain. Fantastic.

I looked up at the sky, where dark clouds were forming quicker than they were before. I sighed as I saw the sprinkles turn into a faster paced rain... It started to rain harder. Everyone on the streets apparently kept an emergency umbrella or something because it went from millions of people walking, to millions of multi-colored umbrellas walking down the streets! Although the bad part about this was that.... I didn't bring an emergency umbrella.

It was still raining, not too extremely hard, as I walked down the sidewalk of the busy street. I suddenly thought that I wanted to text my parents and tell them that I was walking down the street in London in the rain! But as I pulled it out, it slipped right out of my wet hand onto the sidewalk face down and you could hear that it cracked. “Lovely.” I said to myself. I slowly bent down to pick it up and my shoe got caught in a crack in the sidewalk and I fell face first… In front of like a hundred people walking. I saw people looking at me in my perifrial vision. I was so embarrassed.

I didn't stand up for a moment. In fear of people staring and possibly laughing at me. I WOULD end up being the person who breaks their phone and then falls face first when trying to pick it up. Ugh... Being clumsy is ridiculous.

Someone helped me up; I didn’t look to see who it was but the voice sounded oddly familiar. “Here, let me help you,” the guy said as he grabbed my hand and lifted me up. I brushed my semi-wet hair off my face, and shook off my jacket a bit, and I looked up into the guy’s eyes.

As I looked at him I felt my stomach drop. I felt all the color flood into my cheeks. I doubted myself as I saw him. “No… it can’t be! Impossible!” I thought to myself. The guy smiled at my reaction, his dimples showing clearly. “Who are you clumsy one?” he asked playfully, brushing back his curly brown hair. It took me a minute to gain my voice back. “Lexi,” I could barely choke my name out, and I continued to stare at him in awe and shock and embarrassment. “What a pretty name,” he replied looking up at the clouds. He then looked down back at me. He was so much taller than me. “My name is Harry. Harry Styles.” he announced, placing his hand on his chest as if I had never heard of him my entire life. I smiled and he smiled back with a giggle, meeting my eyes again. "You may have heard about me before, but I can't be sure," he added, giving a sly smirk. A huge smile began to creep onto my face. "I know who you are," I replied, trying not to freak out. He quickly looked back at me. "So you're American?" he asked with a smile. I nodded. "I would start asking you where you live in the states, but it's starting to rain harder," he said gazing at the sky.

The rain got a bit harder, and Harry noticed that quicker than I did because I was still in complete awe at him. I was major starstruck. Harry met my eyes again and spoke quickly, “Here, let me take you to lunch, out of the rain. My treat,” he finished, looking back up at the dark clouds producing the heavier rain. “Are you sure?” I asked, not wanting to bother him. “I am sure. I did offer,” he said placing his hand on the small of my back, leading me to a restaurant quite near to where we were standing. It was a pasta place. Nothing fancy though. But that's good. This isn't a date. Good lord, if this was a date I would've already had my Twitter feed filled with death threats and the crazy fans. 

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