9: Fight

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Fan's POV

"Testtube? TeStUBe HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA THATS A STUPID NAME!!!" The glass tube hollered. Fan barely held back a laugh. She had been getting more and more idiotic as the days went past.
The group had travelled a long, long way from the ruined site and the bloodstained river bed. They now had a hut where they all stayed, sharing food and just being silly. It had been almost two weeks, and Fan was beginning to think his talk about Testtube getting better wasn't true.
Testtube was sitting at the bottom of a huge tree with Fan. "Blpblpblp" She muttered, then burst into another fit of laughing. Fan was slightly concerned.
"Hey guys!" Lightbulb ran over with a smile, waving her hands. "Guess who we found!" She exclaimed.
"Who?" Fan asked, curious.
There was a rustle of bushes, and Knife entered the clearing, his expression grim.
"Knife? How did you find us?"
"I.. I just did." He looked nervous. "So... you haven't seen her?"
Silence echoed around the clearing, and Testtube broke the silence. "Seen who?" She asked, the first time that she spoke normally for a long time.
The silence ensued.
"WHAT?!" Lightbulb shrieked.
"She... She has come looking for you all." Knife whispered in fear.
"What... What about Soap?" Fan asked.
"I think she's with Mic." Knife answered.
"We need to get outta here!" Paintbrush said angrily.
"No, we cant keep running!" Fan stood up, shaking. "We need to face her and stop her, then we can figure out a way to revive out friends!"
Testtube was quiet, she had fallen asleep.
"F-fan is right..." Lightbulb said nervously. "We should stop h-"
Then, a rustle in the bushes nearby and a grim laugh echoed through the clearing.
"Looking for me?"

Paintbrush's POV

Fear shot through Paintbrush, and they took a step back.
Microphone walked forward, anger filling her up.
"You obviously know what i did." She growled, in barely a whisper. "Why would you try to escape me?"
"WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?" Paintbrush roared, flames sparking from their head.
Mic laughed, insanity flashing through her eyes.
"Well at first, i was trying to scare you away from the woods where i was allied with Taco. Then i tried to give you all a scare so some of you would leave and my chance to win would be higher. Then, i just didn't care anymore. I blew up the hotel to see what would happen, and then..."
She grinned devilishly.
"I honestly don't care anymore. Its fun like this."
The four stared at her, shocked into silence. Then, quick as a fish, Mic darted forward with a laugh and grapped Paintbrush by the bristles and flung them over, grabbing their waist with her hands.
She have a mighty heave, and a deafening snap filled the air. Blood sprayed all over her face, drenching her in the foul-smelling bile.
A scream filled the air, and Lightbulb rushed forward, tears streaming down her face.

Knife's POV

This was it. The tipping point.
Knife ran forward, slamming into Mic as she reached for Lightbulb. He knocked her over, tussling into a clump of hawthorns. She shrieked as the thorns pricked her, and Knife winced, but kept on rolling, knocking her out of sight of the other.
She stood up shakily.
Deja vu hit her like a blow, and a sick feeling swept over her. Knife grabbed her waist and flung her into a tree with a crack. She slumped down dizzily, and the first signs of fear showed on her face.
Knife grabbed her neck, and snarled at her. "Why? Why couldn't you have stayed the same?"
"Everything changes..." Mic choked out, her eyes wild. "Why do you care. Gonna kill me know? Or let me go like last time? Why did you let me go?" She spat.
Knife paused, then, surprisingly, tears formed in his eyes.
"Because i loved you."
Microphone's eyes widened. "Wh-What?"
"I couldn't betray you because i loved you. Its that simple." He growled, beginning to get angrier.
Mic closed her eyes in pain, and let out a long sigh. She opened her eyes, and looked at him directly.
"Well? What are you going to do?" She whispered.
Knife closed his eyes. In that moment, Mic shot her knee up at him, knocking him backwards. He groaned in pain, looking up at her.
Surprisingly, she looked sad.
"Goodbye, Knife."


Cliffhanger >:3

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