2: Talk

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Microphone's POV

"No- stop! You imbecile! Did no one teach you how to set a bear trap?"
Mic grunted in annoyance. Taco's plan was stupid, but she supposed it might work. She was crouched beside Taco, fiddling with some metal bits on the underside of the bear trap.
"Why couldn't you have done this yourself?" Mic complained.
"Are you really that stupid?" Taco snarled, then she paused and took a breath to calm herself. "I can't, because you need to know where the traps are yourself. We cant have you getting killed."
"Well.. Yeah i suppose thats right."
Mic pulled out a roll of metal wire. "So what will we do with this?"
"Tie it around those two trees over there," Taco pointed with one hand over to a stretch of trees. "Remember to attach it carefully."
Mic nodded and walked over to the trees, carefully tying the metal around the trunks and adjusting it so it would snap around an objects leg when it came in contact.
A while later, Taco led Microphone back to the crooked tree, her face creased with grim triumph.
"Perfect. Now no one will be able to find us again!" Mic's british-voiced friend pit her hand to her chin, thinking. "But now what will we do about Knife?"
"We don't have to do anything! He said he wouldn't tell anyone!" Microphone blurted.
"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Taco glared at Mic.
"W-well... yeah..."
"Listen, Mic. We have two options here, we can either convince him to join us," The mexican food pulled a taser out of seemingly nowhere. "Or, we prevent him from saying anything." She grinned devilishly at her ally.
"What do you mean by that..?" Mic asked nervously.
"Oh you know what i mean. Its up to you though."
"Alright... I think we should try to get him on our side... But if he declines..." Her eyes darkened with pain. "We should get... rid of him."

Knife's POV

Knife sat under a tree, the leaves keeping him hidden from the glaring sun. He had been sitting there for a while, thinking about Mic and Taco, and about what he should do. Should he tell MePhone?
He couldn't help but wince at his stupidity. He couldn't believe he made that promise. It was stupid of him.
"Don't worry, i wont say anything."
"Ugh!" He snarled and slammed his fist onto the grass below him. There was no way he was going to keep his promise. He had to tell someone.
Just at that moment he heard footsteps behind him. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.
"Knife... we need to talk."
"I have nothing to say to you Mic."
He turned slightly so he saw her face. She looked stressed and worried.
"Please," She begged. "It's important!"
The kitchen utensil turned away with a grunt. He wasn't in the best mood today.
"Fine. But make it quick."
Mic looked around nervously, then beckoned to him. "Not here."
Knife followed her a little way further away from the main competing area.
He crossed his arms and looked her in the eyes. "Now what."
"Join us!"
Knife thought for a moment that he had heard wrong. "What?"
"We need you to join us! Please!" She smiled nervously at him.
"And WHY would i do that?" He snarled. "Taco is Evil. Why would i want to join her?!"
Mic instantly jumped to her friends defense. "She is not!" She stomped forward, her eyes dark. "You do realise," She whispered darkly. "If you don't join us, we have to kill you. We cant let anyone find out about us."
Knife began to feel sick in the stomach. "C-can you give me some time to think things out?"
Mic nodded, though her eyes showed suspicion. "Don't even think about telling anyone about this, or you know what will happen." She turned and walked into the nearby woods without another word.
Knife stared after her, shocked. This Microphone was nothing like the Mic he had known before...
What had happened?

What had happened?

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I hope ya'll are ready, cuz things are gonna get intense soon >:D

Also cLeb101 is a poophead

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