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Brooke was playing with her perfectly manicured nails thinking of the boy she had seen she could tell something was up between him and Jay at the very least. He did need a minute to think about the whole King Ben thing, but he didn't seem like a complete idiot, "What's the deal with you and Gil I can sense some bad Blood."

Jay relented after a minute, Gil knew us when we were kids, "We weren't friends, but we would nod at each other, we respected each other. Mal made an enemy. Mal was my friend even before I admitted it, so I had her back, and he followed the enemy," Brooke nodded in understanding absorbing the information as she leaned into her boyfriend. "We fought a lot after that, hurt each other a lot too." 

Ben came down before more could be deduced, Evie looked at him and behind him, "So? Where's Mal?"

"Shes not coming back."

Evie huffed, "What? I'll talk to her," She walked over to a horn looking thing, liked the ones you see at the playground to speak to your friend on the other side of the jungle gym, and spoke into it. "M? Mal its Evie let me just talk to you for a second." Silence, "Mal come on."

There was a bang, the sound of her locking the gate and then her yelling, "Go away!"

Brooke realized Ben had wandered off and followed him trying to bring him back. She finally caught up to him a little ways down the ally, "I get your sad but walking away here is can only end up bad so let's get back-" She felt a sharp pain in the back of her head for a moment then something placed over her mouth she faintly saw the same thing happening to Ben right before she blacked out and fell limp.

"Lets give her a couple of hours to cool off," Jay said to Evie.

Carlos looked around then turned to the other two, "Guys Where's Ben and Brooke," panic spiked in him.

They all looked down a busy street and saw a figure moving towards them, "Ben, Brooke?"

"Ben, don't scare us Like that," Evie sighed.

"Where's Brooke?" Carlos asked fear lacing his voice.

"Don't scare you," a thick scottish accent said. Jay immediately pulled Evie and Carlos next to him in an effort to keep his friends safe, "but that my specialty." The boy offered them a wicked smile.

"Harry," Evie breathed out in fear.

"What did you do with Brooke?" Carlos said more intimidating than he'd ever been.

Harry turned back as if it was an afterthought trying to not let his surprise show, "Oh uh we nicked em. Mmhmm yeah and if ya want to see them again have Mal come to the chip shop to night, alone. Uma wants a little visit." He turned to Jay with a pout, "awe Jay seems like ya lost your touch." Jay tried to attack Harry, but Evie head him back. "And who would have though the scared little dog boy would end up with that beauty." He made his way around Jay and made a point of making his thoughts on the blue haired princess known, "Princess Brooke." He spat out the word Princes but said Brooke's name softly, they knew she had a history with Harry, but they never asked what it entailed. They realized they should have now; they didn't know if she was safe or in more danger than Ben. "Expected more of a fight from her, she seems rusty, but I'm sure she can still do me," He laughed, "I mean the crew wonders. After all, I was just taking back what's mine."

Carlos wasn't a fighter not unless necessary and this was necessary in his book, he grab Harry's wrist and twisted it around his back. He kicked his knees out making him fall to the ground and kicked his back, "Give them back Hook." The Vk's looked at the smallest among them that coward at the mention of a dog six months ago in surprise. Harry was a good five inches taller than him, and he easily got him to his knees. Being with Brooke did him good, they didn't even know he knew how to do that.

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