Chapter 9

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"So much for hosting the best Halloween party in San Francisco," lamented Piper. Everybody was back in the attic, helping to put away the assorted Halloween paraphernalia. That is, everybody except Elsie and Sarah, whom Paige had driven to the police station, where their families were waiting for them.

"Piper, not that you aren't essential to the success of P3, but I'm sure the night was a smash hit even without you," said Paige.

"She's right. And even if she isn't, I have some new leeway at The Bay Mirrorthat might allow me to put in some advertising for the club in the newspaper," said Phoebe.

"But what about Wyatt? He never got to wear his first costume. I was going to show him off to the neighborhood and take lots of pictures."

"This was just one bunch of Kodak moments you had to miss for the greater good. He'll understand one day," said Leo.

"He might understand by then, but I might not. I mean, all I want to do is see my child grow up. Is that too much to ask?"

"I can't think of an answer to that question that you will like, but I am definitely buying another camera so we can double our chances of capturing Wyatt's life in photos," said Paige.

"Consider it tripled," said Phoebe. "In fact, why don't we go to the club and reenact Halloween night before we take down the decorations?"

"That's a great idea, but you don't think it's cheating?"

"Of course, it's cheating, but it's not illegal," she mused, handing a box to Slappy. "By the way, we never officially met. Phoebe Halliwell," she said, extending her hand for Slappy to shake.

"Slappy the Clown," he said.

"Pleased to meet you, Slappy," said Phoebe with a smile, shaking the clown's gloved hand, surpised by his firm grip.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Halliwell," he said rakishly, but without pulling her hand in for a kiss.

"We could not have pulled this off without you help."

"I admit I was integral to the safety of this mission," he teased. "But I am not a witch."

"That doesn't mean we can't honor you by putting you in the Book of Shadows. How would you like an entire page dedicated to you?" asked Paige.

"I'd be thrilled to have a page, Paige."

"Funny. I've never heard thatone before," she said sarcastically.

Phoebe started laughing. Everybody gave her a funny look. "What? Everything sounds funnier after you've narrowly escaped death."

The pages of the Book started flipping themselves. Paige looked down at the page on which it stopped. "Melinda Warren. That's right! It's her birthday today! Well, technically yesterday."

"What does it say about her?" asked Piper.

"Melinda Warren was the beginning of what would later be called the Halliwell line of magic. Daughter to mortal Charlotte Warren, she possessed the powers with which to see the future, freeze objects as well as people, and move things with her mind. As a young woman, she was burned alive at the stake, but not before giving birth to Prudence Warren."

"That doesn't sound very loving. It's more textbook than spell book. She had an amazing spirit," said Phoebe.

"Don't tell me you've met her," said Paige with jealousy.

"Yes, we've had the honor. Prue, Phoebe and I summoned her one time to help us vanquish a warlock named Matthew Tate. Speaking of which, is he in the Book as well?" asked Piper.

"I don't see him anywhere in here."

"Okay, after I sleep for the next twelve hours, we are going to do some serious editing. Including adding the spells we created for this...adventure."

Phoebe yawned. "I'm exhausted, too."

"I'd better get back to my station as well," said Slappy. "It was truly a privilege working with you three."

"Take it easy, Slappy," said Piper.

"Of course, I will; I'm a clown." And with that, Leo orbed Slappy back to his post.

"I'm going to bed now. Goodnight everybody," said Piper.

"Goodnight," replied her sisters.

After a few minutes had passed, Paige thought of something else. "Phoebe? What were you thinking when you were under the trance?"

"I'm sorry, Paige. We've stabbed each other so many times, I forgot to apologize for this one."

"It's not an apology I'm looking for; it's an explanation. Were you there in mind but not able to control your body?"

"Oh, no. I was his, mind and body. Not because I was in love with him, but because I knew I would die if I did not obey him and, thus I'd stop the two of you plotting against him. It was weird. I mean, I love you guys so much that it was strange to think only of my own safety for a change."

"So, it wasn't a love spell or potion?"

"Nah. More like an obedience one. By the way, thanks for stopping me from drinking from that goblet of blood just in time."

"Well, I wouldn't have wanted any of it to spill on that gorgeous designer wedding dress."

Phoebe chuckled. "Yeah, who knew evil sometimes goes on-the-rack? Speaking of which, let's go shopping tomorrow. I think jumping back from the brink of death warrants a new pair of shoes. Okay, that's the last box. Let's hit the sack."

"Goodnight and Happy Halloween," they said in unison, and then headed off to their bedrooms.

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