Chapter 5

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Piper froze the young lady and Paige orbed the gun over to herself.

"What are you waiting for? Blow her up!" exclaimed Paige.

"She's an innocent. She has to be; our powers worked on her. Besides, when has an evil being ever threatened to kill us with a gun before?"

"Well, there's a first time for everything," she said, raising the gun.

"What are you doing with that?" asked Piper, incredulously.

"I'm not going to shoot her."

"Then orb it to Belize!"

"I'm not just going to get rid of it, either. I'll simply use it to get us the answers we need."

"All that will do is scare her."

"Maybe she should be scared. Maybe she doesn't know what she's gotten herself into."

"Paige, you should know by now that things are not always black and white."

"Sure, they are; there's dark magic and there's light magic."

"I'm not talking about magic. I'm talking about people."

"How do we know she is a real person? She could be yet another kind of monster who just happens to look like a mortal and can be frozen by you."

"Then we'll take her home, trap her in the crystal cage, and interrogate her. Quick. Take her necklace. It could be a clue. Plus, we could use it to scry for her if we get separated."

"Why not separate ourselves from her now? She could kill us, Piper."

"Paige, someone else just got bumped up the list of next in line to the vampire throne. Based on her claim, how do we know this girl is not integral to their plans? If we let her go, she'll tell the new Queen that we're on to her."

"That's a good point," Paige conceded. "Fine, we'll take her home."

Paige handed the gun to Piper, then walked over and looked for something useful on her person with which to scry, quickly settling on a necklace hanging around her neck. It was a simple chain on which was threaded a black resin rose. The girl unfroze and gasped, scaring them both. Paige regained her composure quickly, while the girl scooted backwards with her hands covering her head.

"Please. I'm sorry. Please don't kill me!" she screamed.

"Why shouldn't we?" asked Paige, contempt in her voice.

"I'm human! I'm a human being!"

"So are we," said Piper, comfortingly. We're the Ch—"

"Chmerkovskiy sisters," interrupted Paige.

Piper gave Paige a look.

"What? It's a real Ukraine."

"We're here to save you," assured Piper.

"You can't," said the girl.

"I hear someone coming," said Piper.

Paige grabbed the arms of Piper and the girl. As the three orbed away together, the young girl screamed.

When the three landed back in the attic, they found Leo, standing tall over the Book of Shadows without even a trace of blood on his shirt.

"Leo?" Piper and Paige said at the same time.

"Oh, right. Slappy brought Wyatt over to me and Wyatt healed me. He's sleeping now," he explained. "Who is this?" he asked, looking at the young girl, who had gone quiet with fear, but was also visibly shaking from it.

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