14| boromir's oath

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This chapter is dedicated to Amalina1701!Thanks for voting and reading <3

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The stars of dark wheeled overhead into dawn as my watch came to an end with the rising of the sun. The veil of night was drawn open, and streams of morning light filtered through the thick clouds onto the water before me. I stood, cool air embracing my body. The trees behind me rose in stark contrast into the sky, a dark pine green standing tall and isolated against the grey of the clouds above.

I had sat on this rock, alone with my thoughts as I watched over the Fellowship, watching as the skies passed overhead, accompanied by nothing but the soft rippling of the water and the light from the Star of Eärendil, shining like a beacon in a sea of darkness.

Galadriel's words had floated in my mind, but I had quenched the thought like water to a flame, determined to think nothing of it. I would wait until I found a more suitable bearer of Amarya.

Anyone but me.

And now, as the soft sunlight poured overhead, the tips of the trees bathed in gold, my thoughts were drawn back to the current situation.

"How was the night watch?" A silvery voice said from behind me.

WIth a prolonged exhale, I turned to face the Elven prince, his eyes sparkling in the low sunlight.

"Seeing as everyone is alive, I'd say...uneventful."

"You sound disappointed." He commented as he walked beside me. "Are you tired?"

"No," I replied, whilst stifling a yawn. Legolas just raised his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up," I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes. His lips turned at the corners

"You should get some rest." He suggested, gesturing to the boats on the shore of the river. "I'll row again."

"No, Legolas," I protested, "You rowed all of yesterday."

"You should save your strength, Daeriel." He replied "You never know when you might need it."

From his pocket, he pulled out a small package wrapped with a green leaf. Unwrapping it, he broke off a piece of lembas, handing it to me.

At first, I protested, but Legolas cut me off

"Trust me, we have enough. You have not eaten since Lorien." Legolas sent me a look. "Don't think we have not noticed."

"Unfortunately, there have been...greater things plaguing my mind than food," I mumbled in response.

"I know, but still, you must eat." He continued to insist.

Seeing his exasperated look, I rolled my eyes, before accepting the bread. I took the lembas in my hands, bringing it to my lips. Taking a small bite, I immediately felt the satiating effect spreading through my veins, invigorating every limb.

The blonde elf cast a glance back at the sleeping Fellowship. "Shall we wake them?"

Finishing off the piece of lembas, I brushed the crumbs from my clothes before standing to my feet.

"Why not." I shrugged. "We have a long journey ahead."

One by one, we roused the Fellowship from their slumber. Gimli was the hardest to wake, and when Legolas and I finally dragged him to his feet (quite literally), he grumbled about "the early-rising habits of elves" and other incomprehensible strings of speech as he put on his helmet and picked up his axe.

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