62| why we fight

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It had only been a mere twenty-four hours since Théoden's decision, and yet already, it felt as if everything had changed. The precariously balanced sense of false security this city had been desperately trying to hold onto had toppled, the king's decree reaching the ears of the public, spreading like a raging fire over dry grasslands at the implications of this new development.

As I stood outside the stables, once again, I was met with the sight of families hugging their fathers, husbands and sons goodbye, just like in Helm's Deep. The only difference was that now, we were no longer cowering in the corner of a mountain, trying desperately to survive the night. Instead, we were finally riding towards battle, the fate of all of Middle Earth resting in our hands.

Surely, that difference must be worth something, I thought as I watched a brunette woman tearfully saying her goodbyes as her husband pulled away from her arms. Surely, that must mean their deaths would serve a much better cause?

I chose not to dwell any further on that unsettling thought, instead entering the stables, a bag that I had nabbed from the kitchen in my hands.

"Aldion..." I called as I wandered down the aisle, scanning the empty stalls

I heard a huff in response towards the back. Slowly, I approached the stall with a bag clutched behind my back, seeing Aldion lying in one of the stalls, his large black head resting between his two front paws.

Upon seeing me, his ears seemed to flatten, and he just turned his head away, another huff of air escaping him.

I just sighed in response, crouching down beside the large wolfhound.

"I know you're upset at me," I acknowledged, "for leaving you behind when I went to find Maeglor."

Aldion let out what sounded like a grumble as he shot a quick glance at me with his rich, golden irises, as if to confirm what I had just said.

"Well, I hope this makes up for that."

Opening up the bag, I produced a large chunk of meat from within. Aldion's pointy ears instantly perked up, his eyes instantly snapping to his favourite food sitting in my hands. Extending my arm, I held it out towards him.

After a moment of what seemed like internal debate, Aldion slowly turned his head back towards me, before tentatively taking the chunk of beef in his jaws, unable to resist the tempting smell that filled his nostrils.

I smiled softly as he eagerly chewed, allowing me to gently stroke his fur.

"I hope you understand that I was trying to keep you safe." I explained as I sat down on the stable floor beside him. "I did not want you to come into harm's way because of my dealings with Maeglor."

A sigh escaped from me. "You are in enough danger as is...because of me."

It seemed as if so much rested upon Maeglor, and whether or not I could coax him to our side. Whether or not I could help him see the truth in Sauron's intentions.

Even if no one else understood.

Aldion turned his head around to face me, before gently giving me a nudge. Even without words, I could read the look behind his rich earth-toned eyes. Reflected from them was a look of empathy and compassion. A small smile spread across my lips

"So we're all on good terms now?" I quietly mumbled, leaning against his warm, furry body.

Aldion's tail wagged enthusiastically, thumping gently against the floor. A chuckle broke out from me as I enveloped the wolf-hound in an embrace, trying to forget about all other stressors plaguing my mind, even if just momentarily.

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