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Thats it.

She was done.

She couldn't take it anymore, he went too far this time.

For the first time in too damn long she pushed Clark away and got up out of the bed.

"Oh, Hazel, you're awake," Clark stuttered, "um I was just checking on you sweetheart, I heard you coughing and-"

"Shut the fuck up," Hazel said in a deadly calm voice. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take Cecelia and we're going to leave. Not far, just away from this house. I don't give a flying monkey fuck what you tell mom, just make it good."

"Why the hell would I do any of those things?" Clark spat.

"Do you want a list?" Hazel immediately shot back. "All right, here goes. First of all, in court who do you think they'll believe? Me, an eighteen year old honor student whos never been in trouble a day in her life? Or a thirty-seven year old jobless man with a record?"

Clark's eyes grew.

"How did you-"

"You honestly think that I wouldn't do my research on the man my mom told me would be moving into our house? Please, give me some credit. Besides, Clark, you haven't let me finish. Second, Hawk could literally kill you with both hands tied behind his back. And one foot. And probably his other foot. Possibly blindfolded. And disoriented. Basically, you are an annoying little bug on his radar and he has been just itching to kick your sorry ass."

Clark sat still, glaring at her for some time before he swallowed.

"You done?" He asked in a hard voice.

"Depends," she immediately shot back, "you gunna let me go with Cecelia and not say a word against it?"

Clark nodded tightly and looked away.


Hazel turned to leave and saw Cecelia standing there with wide eyes filling with tears.

"Pack a bag, Cece. We're going on an adventure," Hazel said with a soft smile.

Cece returned the smile with a wobbly one of her own and went to her room.

Hazel pulled out her phone, not acknowledging Clark still trying to kill her with his dull blue eyes.

"Hey, baby girl," Hawk answered in that husky, deep voice of his.

"Hawk do you still have the presidential suite at the Intercontinental?"

"Yes. Ill call the office and tell them you'll be coming and to give you a key. Are you bringing Cece?" Hawk said with zero hesitation,

"Yeah," Hazel answered softly.

There was a long silence then Hazel heard Hawk let out a long sigh.

"Thank the fucking Lord," he whispered roughly.

"Mm," Hazel agreed.

"Baby, I have a dinner I have to be at tonight, but I'll be on the first flight out tomorrow okay? Expect me there when you wake up."

"I can't wait," Hazel whispered.

"Hazel, be safe, okay? Take care of yourself, always. If he even looks at you wrong, you call the police then you fucking call me. I can get there in less than two hours, but Barn is right around the corner."


Another pause then another sigh.

"I'm so happy you're doing this, Hazel," he said in his lower voice, thick with emotion.

"Me too, baby," she softly agreed.

"I'll call the office. Get your ass out of there."

Sorry short chapter

The Fighters GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora