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The party froze, and all heads turned to the newest guest, who sauntered in with a grin on his face. He walked right over to where Hazel was sitting on a table with Hawk licking salt from her neck and gave them each a head nod as a greeting.

"Sup Remi," Hawk greeted after pulling his tongue away from Hazel's salty skin and downing a tequila shot. He leaned over and parted her lips with his own, loving the bite of lemon mixed with Hazel's own unique flavor as he used his tongue to lift it from her mouth. He sucked on it once and spit it onto the ground. The maids would have one hell of a cleaning job the next day, but who the hell cares.

"Good fight, Hawk. The better fighter won," Remi said with an easy grin, holding out his hand. Hawk grinned back and shook it firmly.

"You turned out to be one hell of an opponent though, man," Hawk said. Hazel's hand automatically went to Hawk's blackened eye and she smoothed her thumb over it gently.

"If only I had my own Hazel to tend to my wounds," Remi joked.

Hawk smiled softly at Hazel and turned his head so his mouth was to her palm and kissed it.

"Yeah, everyone should have a Hazel. Ten out of ten, I definitely recommend," Hawk said, raising his eyebrows slightly to show sincerity. Hazel grinned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. She pulled him to stand in between her spread legs, she rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Right, well, I just wanted to stop by and say no hard feelings, and I still want to be invited to your wedding," he said, grinning and holding out a hand.

"Oh, good!" Hazel said, a bright slightly tipsy smile on her face. "Hawk did you hear that?" she asked.

"Yeah, baby, I heard," Hawk responded with unconcealed amusement.

"Hawk and I are getting married," Hazel whispered loudly to Remi.

"That's so cool," Remi stage whispered back with a smirk on his face.

"Hawk, can Cece be my maid of honor? I know she's nine but she's so freaking smart," Hazel said, planting a big smacking kiss on Hawk's dimple.

He chuckled and turned his face so that their lips brushed when he talked.

"Of course, baby."

"Yay!" Hazel said, sticking her tongue into Hawk's mouth without ado.

"Right, well, that's my cue," Remi muttered, walking over to the first hot girl he saw and chatting her up.

Hawk and Hazel didn't even realize he was gone.

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