Part 1

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This story has been driving me crazy, I have other stories to complete, but this one was simply irking me. It got so bad that i dreamt about it, so now here it is.


Sasuke saw a burst of ebony hair and a body about to fall, just then his instincts kicked in and he flashed over and caught the body of the unconscious woman just before she hit the ground. He looked at her beautiful face, a face that his heart vaguely remembered as his arms unconsciously tightened around the woman's voluptuous frame. 

"Mine," He whispered,



Hinata sat in front of the council, her father, Naruto (a village hero), Sasuke (who had just returned to the village), her teammates, and many of her other friends, everyone looked so happy, everyone looked proud. They were all in the Hyuga estate's ceremony hall, listening to an elder make a speech. Main house members' weddings usually took place here. It was truly a joyous occasion.

Thousands of lanterns hung from the ceiling, lighting up the entire room. A grand feast had been prepared and was spread throughout the room on many rows of tables. Everyone was spread out, the elders sat right in the front, in the corner. Her father was with them. Then everyone else in a seat or standing, a mixture of the main family Hyugas and her fellow ninja. Right at the back standing were the branch family members.

Her headdress and traditional kimono felt very heavy, literally and figuratively. The white silk shone in the lantern's light. Her very pale skin in addition to her kimono looked as if she was letting off a ghostly glow. It had a long train, that could allow it to easily be mistaken for an overly flashy wedding kimono. Even as she sat on the elevated floor, the train covered her entire chair and the pedestal-like, platform she had been placed on. Her long hair draped down her sides, its dark, rich colour contrasting that of the kimono.

It had been a very long process getting them to where they were right now. Ritual upon ritual, test upon test. Hinata had gone through three whole months of evaluation, the elders being very thorough in assessing whether or not she was fit to lead the clan.

"...long journey..." the elder spoke clearly, Hinata struggled to pay attention, however, it looked like everyone else had no problems with paying attention. Her eyes traveled to Sasuke,

"How will he react?" she thought,

She could not believe how fast her life had gone since the war ended. Naruto asked her out a week before her clan called upon her to ascend to clan head, she felt that that had a lot to do with her clan's lack of hesitance in approaching her. It was painfully obvious that her being the future Hokage's girlfriend had increased her validity to become clan head. She could not blame them though, the Hyuga's family head having very personal relations with the Hokage, would increase the status and thus the power of the clan as a whole.

She had gained many of her clansmen's respect throughout the war. Honestly, this was all she wanted, she was strong, she was about to become clan head and she had a very promising relationship with Naruto. All she had ever wished for in her genin years, was about to come true.

" step...blood contract" he continued,

They had come to the final step in her ceremony, signing a blood contract binding her as clan head. It bonded her to all her clansmen, in a way that was never reported on official records. A Hyuga clan head could sense the auras of all their clansmen, which is why no branch member, no matter how many there were, was ever able to successfully overthrow the main family. No matter how strong they were, the clan head was always aware of their intentions. Along with having almost all control over branch members, because of their caged bird seals. Not only does it prevent them from reaching their full potential, but it makes it nearly impossible for them to ignore the wishes of their clan head, it was borderline physically excruciating for them to disobey the head. This specific power was not as strong on members within the main family, thus the main members were able to keep secrets from the clan head.

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