6: Incidents

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I walked into school, taking a deep breath. There was only one high school, which meant there weren't a lot of students. I was the only one who didn't seem sure of what they were doing.

Before I gave up too much hope, Harry walked next to me. "I'll show you around, if you want."

I nodded. "That would be great. I'm so confused, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one."

Harry flashed a smile. "Pretty much. We've all been coming to the high school for various reasons since we were kids. It's not a big deal going into high school."

I nodded and he lead me to the section where we get out schedules. Some of the staff gave me a curious look, so I flashed a smile as I passed. Harry explained where the cafeteria was along with the gym, then showed me to my classes. We had most of our classes together, which was good. I could probably use him as my reason not to get too socially involved.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked Harry when we sat down for our first class.

"Since I was eight. Feels like I've always lived here. And it's pretty easy to fit in and find a group."

"I like to keep to myself. I move around a lot," I explained. "I don't want people getting too attached to me."

"Well, no matter what you're stuck with me." He grinned at me. "You can't get rid of me so easily."

"Looks like I'm stuck with you."

And stuck we were. It was hard to see us apart besides classes. Liam seemed happy I wasn't trapping myself at home. Everything was going completely fine, too, until one day in science. We were about a week into school and doing a chemistry experiment. Everything was fine for the first half of class. Harry and I were working together, almost done already when shattering glass was heard, but I smelled blood just as quickly. I had to stop myself from snapping my head over to the source because there was no way I should even know there was anything wrong.

"Back to your seats. Everyone sit down," Mr. Deavons demanded. We all started returning to our seats while he walked with Mark out the door. Some kids began to mumble. "Stay seated and quiet, I'll be right back." I set my head down on my desk, keeping my eyes shut.

Harry sat next to me, touching my arm. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I gritted out. I heard both of their footsteps fade out, and that's when I stood and grabbed my back pack.

"You can't leave," Harry whispered, looking at the other students who weren't paying any attention. "You'll get detention."

"Then I'll get detention," I replied, making my way out of the room without a second glance. I went out the nearest side doors and pulled out my phone, dialing Liam's number.

"What's up?" Liam asked after answering on the first right.

"Someone cut their hands and I can't-"

"I'll be right there. Go outside, we'll deal with consequences later." I listened to him and hung up the phone, bouncing anxiously by the edge of the sidewalk.

"Louis!" Harry called. I spun around and stared at him as he got closer to me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going home." Go away, go away, go away. "I don't feel good."

I could tell Harry didn't believe me. But I hadn't had blood in a few days. It was for the best if I went home. I couldn't hurt anyone if I went home, and I didn't want to hurt anyone. I tore my eyes away from him as he got closer, chewing on my lip. 

"You were just fine?" He questioned. "What's going on, Louis?"

"Nothing, I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" I looked back to Harry. He continued to look at me, biting his lip. "I promise, I'm fine and I'll be back tomorrow.

"Okay." Harry sighed. "Can... fuck it," he mumbled, walking closer to me, grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer, then kissing me. I was shocked for half a second, then kissed him back.

He pulled back, looking at me, chewing on the right side of his lip. "Was that-"

"Wanted? Adorable? Yes," I answered with a small chuckle. Harry breathed out in relief. I pecked his lips then let go of him. "But you need to go to class."

Harry nodded, taking a step back. "I'll text you after school."

"Sounds good. Don't get in trouble."

Harry just grinned at me. "Everyone here loved my older sister. It's hard for me to get in trouble."

Harry went inside and a few seconds later, Liam pulled up in the car. "Are you okay?"

I threw my stuff in the back seat before slipping into the front seat. "Yeah, we were doing something in chem and a boy cut his hand with some of the glass. I just couldn't stay."

"You're going to start drinking every other day. I didn't think about shit like this happening."

"Hey, hey, I'm okay. I didn't do anything. I left and I didn't try-"

"I'm not saying you would have. Your control is way too high for that, just I don't want you to keep getting put in these situations." Liam glanced at me and I nodded. "Okay, next order of buisiness."

The whole drive, I was stuck on the fact Harry kissed me. Should I let this happen? I mean, the worst thing that happens is we click really well, then I have to up and disappear, but I don't want to do that. Then again, it was just a high school relationship, and they don't last very long. Liam wanted me to be more social, Harry was the definition of social, and if we were dating, he would drag me to do more things.

Its a win, win, win.

Fighting For Us // Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now