3: Who's At The Door?

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After about two months, school became so easy. Going into public was easy. I just had to get used to it, push myself a little further than I wanted to a few times, but I finished freshman year pretty easily.

Sophomore year, that was a little bit weird. A few people noticed I was usually by myself (for obvious reasons) and tried to befriend me. I agreed to keep from drawing any unwanted attention, but I always canceled on any plans we made as a group.

"Louis?" Liam called. I jumped up from my bed where I was reading a book and walked down the stairs. Liam was standing with Emma, Riley, and Brent, which was kinda weird because I never gave any of them my address.

"What's up, guys?" I asked, glancing at Liam. I was hoping he could tell something wasn't right.

"There's that party tonight, and you're not canceling on us again," Emma said while bouncing.

"I'm not into parties." Drunk teenagers was not my thing. Way too many things could go on with that. "Guys, I hate parties."

"You're just anti-social," Brent said. "Come on, you'll have a ton of fun."

I looked to Liam who was standing off to the side, begging him with my eyes to step in. He walked up behind me, resting his hand on my should. "He's grounded, right now."

They groaned but gave up after that, telling me the second I was ungrounded, we were going to do something. Liam closed the door and I grabbed onto his wrist. "I never told them where we lived."

Liam brushed it off. "Anymore, its not that hard with social media-"

"I don't use social media. I'm too worried about someone seeing it who shouldn't see it." I explained quickly. "This is weird and I don't like it, Dad."

"If it still seems off on Monday, then we'll talk to Niall and the council, but I don't want to talk to them unless we have to, alright?" The council weren't our favorite people ever, mostly because of me, but Niall was best friends with Liam and the head of the council, meaning they couldn't actually do anything to us. And considering Niall is the only vampire on the council that likes me, we really try to talk to them the least amount possible.

I nodded, then started going up to my room when there was another, much louder knock on the door. I stopped on the stairs, but Liam motioned for me to continue, so I went to the top, but didn't go into my room. I could barely see Liam's feet, but I'd be able to hear everything with no problem, thankfully.

Liam opened the door and I heard another man clear his throat. "Are you the guardian of Louis Tomlinson-Payne?"

I froze. My last name hasn't been Tomlinson for as long as I could remember. When Liam adopted me, he changed my last name to his. It was Payne, not Tomlinson, not both, just Payne.

"Yes, why?" Liam asked. His tone was defensive, like he could already tell this wasn't going to be good.

"We need to ask you both some questions. Some of his friends are worried about him." I shook my head, going into my room and closing the door quietly.

"I'll go get him," Liam said, closing the door before hurrying up the stairs. I opened my door and Liam grabbed my shoulders. "You have to listen to me, alright?" I nodded wordlessly, unsure of what else to do. "I want you to stay quiet, and get as far away from here as possible. Either Niall or I will find you, but until one of us finds you, hide."

"What about-"

"I'll be fine, I need you to listen to me."

I held onto his wrist. "I..."

"I'm not them, Louis. I'm coming back, I'm going to find you." Liam pulled away. "But you need to go."

I took a deep breath and nodded. Liam let his hands drop before going leaving my room. He closed the door and i ran my fingers through my hair. I walked quietly to my window and looked down, making sure no one was standing there. I slowly climbed out the window and lowered myself down to the ground. I had to fall but I didn't feel it.

I jogged away from the house, glancing back. I saw multiple cars in the driveway, which just make me pushed me to keep going. I stopped when I heard Liam yell. I turned around and took a step forward, until someone started shining a light in my direction. After that, I took off running. Any small scratches I got from running disappeared and I could see what was on the ground perfectly in the dark, so I didn't trip or fall.

I wasn't sure how far I ran, but I pushed myself against a tree. I looked around, hoping Liam was going to pop up any second and tell me to come with him. That it would all be okay.

Fighting For Us // Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now