Chapter 50: Inspector Norse

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"Runner Five, Ellie, can you see the target?" Evan asks, and Ellie nods beside me.

"Yep. One sixteenth century royal residence, exactly where it should be."

"I guess you were going for a 'hidden in plain sight' thing," Maxine says, "leaving the armlet here."

"Not the foggiest," Evan says. "The decision to hide it here was two Jerrys ago. She disappeared before she could explain how she planned to retrieve it. I wish I could be on the mission, but my leg's never been the same since my time with Sigrid's interrogators."

"They don't need you," Sam says, and I'm taken back by the confidence in his voice. "Five did just fine as Head of Runners without you, and Ellie knows what she's doing."

"Best boyfriend ever," I mutter, biting back a smile.

"What'd you say?"


"Oh, this is so exciting," Ellie says, her voice squeaking a bit as she grins like a kid in a candy store. "If this armlet is all you say, it could be paradigm-shifting in Merovingian studies. The implications for cross-Scandinavian trade alone are extraordinary!"

Sam lets out a small noise. "Uh, you realize we're getting it because it might help us defeat Sigrid, not to publish an academic paper?"

"Oh, yeah. Of course." She shrugs. "But still."

"Hey, is that the Union Jack flying above the surprisingly pink tower?" Maxine asks, and I tip my head to the side as my eyes scan the taller tower.

"Uh, yeah. Does that mean anything?"

"The monarchy's in residence," Evan answers, and I gasp.

"King Jaime! I've missed him, surprisingly. I mean, last time I saw him was like, over a year ago when he asked me to be Head of Rollers and Runners." My smile fades as I remember Ian's broadcast, how he sounded, what Ian did to him. "We have to rescue him. God knows what Sigrid's done to him and the roller girls."

"Yeah, yeah, we're definitely going to rescue him," Sam says. "We're getting him out of here and we're getting this Viking bracelet."

"Don't forget," Evan says seriously, "the relic is the most important objective here."

"Do you want me to come mess up your other leg?" I growl. "Because you keep talking like that and I will. Jaime's your king, you know."

"But he's not yours."

"You're right, he's not. But he is my friend, and friends come first. My priorities have changed since last time you were here, Seven. I'm a lot more open and caring, and I'm a lot more willing to kick your ass if you keep pissing me off, which you seem to be able to do very easily."

"Anyway," Sam interjects, sounding nervous as he tries to dispel the tension, "Jaime might know where the bracelet is. The royal suite's in the east wing. Uh, see that stained glass window? Hurry. There'll be another guard sweep soon."

We head off towards the residence, my eyes only leaving the stained glass window to look around and make sure no one is coming by. So far, no one. The guard rotations are easy to figure out. Well, to Janine and Tom they are. That's why they wrote it out for Sam and Maxine and Evan.

Ugh, Evan.

Even after his apology to me, and me saying I forgave him the day after the apology was given, I still can't help but get really angry and irritated when he talks. I mean, it's not as bad as when as when Amelia talks, but it is a not-so-close second.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just being petty. He never did bother me before he left, but I considered him my superior then, someone I looked up to. He's not that anymore, and he knows it.

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